Land and its purchases and changes have confronted the Leighton Township Board lately, threatening to explode the local population of a municipality regarded as having one of the fastest growing populations in the state.
The Leighton Township Planning Commission Wednesday night was approached by representatives from GRI-Moline, LLC, seeking rezoning of property at 4501 Division Avenue from agricultural to Office/Industrial District and from ag to R-3 medium density residential. The 57-acre parcel is located on the east side of Division where it curves and intersects with 12th Street.
In years gone by, 12th Street served as a means for motorists to gain access to Moline from 10th Street, but residents have complained often about the speeds of oncoming traffic in a residential neighborhood.
Developers are proposing to build a 320-unit residential development that includes 18 town houses and the rest apartments. Also planned is setting aside about 10 and a half acres for office and industrial purposes.
The Planning Commission tabled the rezoning requests because a traffic study is sorely needed, and more information is being sought about impacts on public safety, schools and the water and sewer system..
Township Trustee John Hooker said the project is too complicated to be dealt with quickly.
“I don’t anticipate them (the developers) coming back next month,” he said. He acknowledged that 53 people attended the Planning Commission meeting and, “We did not hear from anyone who is thrilled about it (the project).”
In another matter, the Township Board acknowledged it is examining a 4.6-acre parcel adjacent to the library and township hall complex that now is for sale. The land currently is zoned R-3 residential and the owner is seeking $335,000.
The idea would be to add the parcel to the six acres of land the township already owns and it would provide 98 feet of frontage along the west side of Division Avenue.
The board authorized realtor Rod Alderink to further investigate and negotiate.
In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the Township Board:
• Agreed to hire Green Tractor to do no snow plowing at the Green Lake fire station and rehire Potts for the Moline station and the township hall/library complex.
• Was told by Clerk Rachel Fennema that the township is spending $33,449 on insurance for the next year.
• Learned from Fire Chief Matt Weston that the 43 calls the department received in September brings the current annual total to 298. He added that 53 percent of the calls are for medical help.
• Learned that the Planning Commission Monday night approved a special use permit to accommodate a proposed hair salon on Patterson Avenue on the edge of the township.
Is this the same 4.64 acre parcel that sold 3 months ago for $95,000.00?
A minor correction….
The Leighton Township Board held a special meeting on September 22nd to address the purchase of the ‘Happy Camper’ business/residence located at the old elementary school on 144th Ave. in Moline – NOT consideration of the 4.6 acre parcel adjacent to the Leighton Township Hall. (The adjacent parcel purportedly may be available for a projected $335,000.)
More about the ‘Happy Camper’ land/structure building purchase (5.9 acres with a structure that will ultimately be razed at a cost potentially exceeding well above $250,000!!!) for a confirmed $650,000 in a related Leighton Township land purchase article. $900,000…… Unbelievable….