A special citizens’ volunteer road committee is being organized in Leighton Township, and activist Steve Shoemaker is inviting interested local residents to come to a meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, April 22, at the Township Hall.
Leighton officials plan to establish a citizens’ road committee, much in the same way as neighboring Dorr Township and Chairwoman Carolyn Sandel, to spearhead an effort for better roads.
Shoemaker, in a letter to residents, has stated:
“A Citizen’s Road Committee’ is forming within Leighton Township, and perhaps you might be interested in participating by volunteering to serve with the Committee.
“A small group (six people at this point) of township residents have indicated a willingness to explore ideas about reviewing the current status of road conditions, identifying problem areas, and gathering community support for not just continuing existing road maintenance funding, but creative ways to better utilize and/ or increase funding for road improvements.
“(Last August voters approved a renewal of existing road millage by a margin of 468 votes- 26.7% – while a separate proposal to raise funds for road improvements failed by a mere 94 votes- 5.5% of the ballots cast.)
“Our intent is to develop ideas about how best to reach township residents and educate them about the township’s current level of funding for — and costs associated with — maintaining and improving our roads. We’ll be looking for methods to implement outreach efforts through social media, business involvement, personal contacts, and any other means which enable us to connect with voters.
“If you are interested in joining the Committee, we plan to hold an initial meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, April 22,,at Leighton Township Hall, 4451 12th St., Please join us if you are interested!
“If you wish to reach me with questions or for more information, contact me via email at: sshoemak51@gmail.com or call (616) 706-8913.