The congregation at the Leighton United Methodist Church voted with more than 94 percent to disaffiliate with the Methodist denomination.

The church, located at the corner of 142nd Avenue and Second Street in Leighton Township. Henceforth it will be regarded as independent. Members of the church held a “Miracle Sunday” June 11 and raised more than 125% of the needed funds to exit the denomination.

According to an article published in the Detroit News recently, “Five dozen Michigan churches announced over the weekend they would disassociate from the United Methodist Church, a move that stems from a rift over LGBTQ+ issues and adherence to doctrine.

“The Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church on Saturday adopted a motion to disaffiliate 60 assemblies, about 8% of the state’s United Methodist Churches, from its denomination…

“The fracture in one of the country’s largest Protestant denominations stems from the idea that the church is weakening its interpretation of its Book of Discipline, or its church law, allowing for same-sex marriages as well as LGBTQ+ clergy. Many of the departing churches have cited these issues as reasons for disaffiliating.”


June 13, 2023
Good for those folks. One can not go wrong standing for God's wisdom and light. I suggest the Catholic churches doing the same may not be far down the road either, particularly with the current popes actions and beliefs. The Rock of Ages. My opinion. My choice.
June 13, 2023
Interesting stuff. I think maybe "God's Wisdom & Light" comes from the Book of Leviticus in the Old Testament, the same place we would find prohibitions against such sinful behaviors as combining meat and dairy products (I happen to like cheeseburgers), and mixing fabrics. It seems to overlook the words of Jesus, who said "Love One Another". That is sometimes cited as the greatest commandment of them all. As for the unintendedly ironically named "Book of Discipline", I almost laughed aloud at the title. I suggest, we look past the hatred and remember to love one another.
June 13, 2023
Kinda funny, even the animals got it figured out, the buck does not "lay" with the buck. The drake does not "lay" with the drake. If they did, their kind is gone. My suspicions are many know the truth but refuse the truth, humbling ourselves before God is not easy. Happy FATHERS Day. My opinon and my choice.
Small town gal
June 13, 2023
Disagreement does not equal hate. I can disagree with someone and still call them my friend. Do you hate everyone who disagrees with your opinions?
June 13, 2023
The Lutherans have had this going on for decades. That’s why there are around 40 current Lutheran denominations including the 3 largest; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. What’s news is how long the United Methodists stayed united.
A Reader
June 13, 2023
David, Be careful who you hate. It might be someone you love.
Small town gal
June 14, 2023
A Reader, I did not read "hate" in David's comments. Just because he disagrees does not automatically mean he hates. I will ask you too, if someone disagrees with your opinion do you hate them?
June 14, 2023
Grasshopper, who mentioned hate, but you? Does a bird need not need two wings to fly? Does the sun not need the cloud? Does the needle not need the vein? My opinion, my choice. Happy Father's Day to the Father's.

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