Leighton Township Fire Chief Tony Banas was granted a $500 stipend for attending a two-week course on fire codes in Muskegon, but there were some misgivings.

The Leighton Township Board approved the expenditure because the course work upgrades the skills of the chief, but member aren’t sure how much longer he will be employed by the township.

Banas last year told the Township Board that he is actively seeking a full-time job in firefighting, perhaps somewhere as a full-time chief. He has been fire chief at Leighton since May 2012, but it’s only a part-time position.

Township Treasurer Char Troost expressed her reluctance because he could get $500 for the advanced training, but then be gone in perhaps a couple of months.

Banas, however, noted he hasn’t had a lot of luck over the past 10 months looking for full-time work in the firefighting service. He said he wanted to improve his firefighting skills, which for now will make him a greater asset to the community.

It is customary for local governments to help pay for costs of employees in their efforts to better themselves in what they do. Banas said the course was free, but costs for attending and materials were $250 per week for the two weeks.

The chief also asked for reimbursement for the certification test in April, which costs $350. He was granted the request, but only if he passes the test.

PHOTO: Leighton Fire Chief Tony Banas

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