To the editor:
As we wrap up the third quarter of 2024, the Leighton Township Fire Department again has seen a spike in emergency incidents due to rapid growth in the area. Leighton FD has already responded to more incidents this year than finished in year 2022 and any year prior.
It is important to remember that LTFD is a paid-on-call fire department with the exception of the chief. This means that none of our firefighters are full time. None of our firefighters work a shift at the fire stations. Everyone wears a pager and must drop everything they are doing to help those in need if they are in the area. LTFD is staffed with 30 dedicated individuals covering 36 square miles of Leighton that are willing to respond to the call as we grow each year. Emergency incident breakdown below for 2024 so far.
Fires/Alarms: 55 incidents. Accidents/ Rescues: 55 incidents. Miscellaneous: 33 incidents. EMS medical incidents: 273 incidents
Total: 416 emergency incidents.
— Thank you, The Leighton Township Fire Department