Though he constantly defended the integrity of both agencies, Leighton Township Supervisor Steve Deer Thursday night outlined recent issues associated with the Allegan County Road Commission and Drain Commission.

The Road Commission has made good on its policy against concrete driveways in rights of way on West Shore Drive and the Drain Commission is involved in water runoff issues in the Harvest Meadows subdivision near 142nd Avenue and 10th Street.

In both cases, Deer said, he’s the one absorbing the most heat from the public.

The supervisor said some residents on West Shore Drive used concrete for their driveways, but when Road Commission vehicles came along to pave, they had the cement torn out. Making matters even worse, the Road Commission billed the township for work that wasn’t wanted.

Though acknowledging the policy was legitimate, Deer insisted most residents didn’t know about the policy ahead of time and should have been advised.

He also questioned whether tearing out the concrete was necessary.

“If it’s not causing any problems, leave it alone,” he suggested. “They make a whole lot of people mad and then send us the bill.”

Trustee John Hooker said he wasn’t certain the policy is implemented in all of the other 23 townships in Allegan County.

The Harvest Meadows issue actually may involve shared responsibility.

The Township Planning Commission, Township Board, Professional Code Inspections and the Drain Commission all approved plans for the subdivision, but now comes news that residences at lower elevations are experiencing flooding troubles.

“We’re all wrestling with gravity here,” Deer explained. “We’ve got to fix this. Let’s not do this all over again.”

The township has received a proposal from the Drain Commission to have an engineering evaluation done for $8,000, but hasn’t decided what to do yet.

Hooker acknowledged that in hindsight the Planning Commission and Township Board should have considered potential drainage problems, but they are not professionals or engineers. That’s where the Drain Commission and PCI come in.

Hooker added that the amazing amount of rain experienced this year was precipitating cause for the problems.

COVER PHOTO: One of the homes in the Harvest Meadows residential development.

1 Comment

dennis longstreet
October 11, 2019
I addressed leighton township about water problems 4 months ago never heard a word.must have to live on green lake to matter.The retention pond Approved by PCI on Dahlia st. was a mistake. Experts you bet .Retention ponds are cat tail farms and bug factories . EEE is next.

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