Township Engineer Tricia Anderson and Township Attorney Cliff Bloom answered a lot of question Wednesday night.

Prospects for a massive residential and light industrial-office development on the east side of Division were dealt a temporary setback Wednesday from the Leighton Township Planning Commission.

GRI-Moline, LLC, is seeking rezoning of property at 4501 Division Avenue from agricultural to Office/Industrial District and from ag to R-3 medium density residential. The 57-acre parcel is located on the east side of Division where it curves and intersects with 12th Street.

Developers want to build a 320-unit residential development that includes 18 town houses and the rest apartments. Also planned is setting aside about 10 and a half acres for office and light industrial purposes.

The Planning Commission earlier had tabled the requests to have a traffic study done and more examination can be made about the proposed development’s impact on public safety, schools and the water and sewer system.

Township Trustee John Hooker said the project is too complicated to be dealt with quickly.

The commission voted 6-1, with Steve Shoemaker the lone dissenter, to deny recommending the rezoning to the Township Board,

Township Engineer Tricia Anderson read a letter from Fire Chief Matt Weston maintaining that his department of 31 part-time volunteers already is dealing with many calls for emergency services and struggles to keep up.

Township Supervisor Steve Wolbrink added, “All 31 guys have other jobs. It’s a rural paid on call when they get out of work system. The township’s not in a financial position to bring on full-time paid staff.”

Commission Chairman Ben Potts said he is worried that current Leighton residents will ge stuck with a larger bill for sewer and water as a result of the population growth.

“I’m not sure it fits with our master plan,” he added. It’s a lot of questions, a lot of dollars.”

Developers of the GRI-Moline project are expected to come back to the Planning Commission with modified plans.

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