Leighton Township Fire Chief Matt Weston Thursday night told the Township Board the township was paid $14,375 to reimburse the department for responding to traffic crash on New Year’s Eve morning that brought down the 144th Avenue overpass on the U.S.-131 expressway.
A northbound semi-truck that exceeded height limit for the bridge, struck the overpass and three vehicles behind it crashed. Emergency personnel were summoned to the scene and were hampered by the traffic jam on the freeway.
The northbound lanes on U.S.-131 were shut down for cleanup because one of the semis was a tanker hauling milk, and landed in the ditch. There was no indication the milk was leaking.
The Michigan Department of Transportation says the 144th Avenue overpass will need a beam replaced after a semi-truck crashed into it over a week ago.
Weston noted the overpass still is closed to all but emergency vehicles, but some motorists have been ignoring the “road closed” warning signs regardless. He said representatives from the Michigan Department of Transportation came to the crash site Thursday morning to inspect the damage. MDOT officials announced overpass closure will continue until repair work can be started.
Weston also reported the department recently was awarded a 50-50 grant of $4,000 to buy more firefighters’ attire and gear and the Gun Lake Casino and Tribe donated a 2018 Ford Explorer for the department’s use.
The Leighton Fire Department, the chief said, responded to a record 525 calls in the year 2025, 339 of them for medical assistance.
In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the Leighton Board:
- Learned from the Allegan County Road Commission of two road projects in the coming year. One will be resurfacing and repaving Division from the Wayland city limits north to 1,000 feet south of 138th Avenue. The other will be from Patterson Road north to 141st Avenue, a project that will be shared with Wayland Township.
- Was told by Supervisor Steve Wolbrink that the Gun Lake Tribe and Casino semi-annual revenue sharing check amounted to $18,652.
- Learned the Road Commission plans to gravel 139th Avenue from 9th to 2nd Street this year at a cost of $87,500.
- Agreed to have a budget workshop at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15, and a second session, if necessary, at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4.
- Noted the township had approved 44 residential building permits for the year 2024 at an average of $345,899.