Leighton Township officials have had enough of the antics of young teen hooligans who have been vandalizing the township hall.

The Township Board agreed Thursday evening to install video cameras inside the hall at a cost of up to $100 in hopes of pinpointing their crimes to local authorities.

Township Clark Mary Lou Nieuwenhuis said she has spoken to the local juvenile teens, who have denied wrongdoing even though they have been caught red-handed. They have broken into the hall, opened mail and scattered it all over the hall, entered the bathroom and vandalized soap dispensers and done other generally annoying and illegal deeds.

Nieuwenhuis said it’s her understanding the girls and boys come from a broken home and they too often are left unattended, so they have done damage to the township library next door, the rec trailer repair business at the old Moline Elementary, the co-op and the softball fields.

The youngsters already have been kicked out of the library, which Nieuwenhuis lamented because it might do the troubled youths some good.

Township officials want to show Allegan County deputies visual proof of their identities and illegal activities.

In other business at the meeting Thursday night, the board:

  • Adopted the fiscal year 2020-21 budget, which sports a fund balance of just over two million dollars after a shortfall from the previous year of $734,195.
  • Accepted mowing bids from Heyboer, Green Lake Landscaping and Ben Potts Landscape Management to handle two cemeteries, the township hall and the Green Lake and Moline fire department facilities.
  • Continued the awarding of the annual dust control bid from Southwest Michigan Dust Control, even though its bid of $38,000 for three applications was more costly by $9,000 than the bid from SWB.

“You like to work with people you don’t get complaints about,” Niewenhuis explained, noting SW Michigan is very prompt and responsive in handling any problems that may arise.

  • Approved the hiring of new firefighter Jeff Zuiderveen, at the recommendation of Chief Matt Weston, who noted the department now has 29 volunteer firemen.
  • Learned from Supervisor Steve Deer that Leighton Township Library Director Karen McKinnon is anticipating a new roof soon and the Library Board is considering an addition.
  • Received a report from the building inspector that there were no building permits issued in February, a rarity for a township that has one of the fastest growing populations in Michigan.


Tom Miller
March 13, 2020
The Moline Post Office is closing the lobby for after hours access at 4:00pm through the duration of the school shut down due to the continued threat of vandalism from the local group of kids wandering through town. They are asking the public to assist catching the kids by reporting anything suspicious. Also to not put junk mail in the recycle box that has ones information on it as the kids are going through that also. Vandalism in Moline has been an ongoing problem for sometime now with little done by authorities about it. Sadly Moline is no longer the quiet little town it once was.
Don't Tread On Me
March 13, 2020
Where are the parent(s) of these juvenile delinquients? Why aren't they being charged for their lack of parenting?

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