The Wayland High School Eco Club’s thrift store is trying to call attention to textile waste.

Indications of residential and population growth continue to pour in for Leighton Township.

Township Supervisor Steve Deer and Fire Chief Matt Weston Thursday night reported yet more evidence Leighton still is growing leaps and bounds.

While presenting the building inspector’s report, noted though there was only one more building permit issued in November, at a value of an estimated $330,000, a total of 53 permits have been issued during this calendar year, at a value of about $9.6 million. He added that he believes after the 2020 census is conducted, Leighton will show a population increase of 40 percent.

“Leighton is the fastest growing township in Allegan County and it’s either No. 1 or No. 2 in the state, depending on which Internet site you visit,” Deer told board colleagues.

The trends in the township helped drive Wayland Union Schools to seek a new addition to the middle school to help handle the influx of elementary students. Wayland now has a middle school for sixth, seventh- and eighth-graders and turned Pine Street Elementary into a facility for just fourth and fifth grades.

Weston, while presenting his monthly fire report, said his department now has handled more than 300 incidents, up about 10 percent over a year ago and setting a record.

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the Township Board:

  • Heard a brief presentation from Raecale Stull and Laura Smith from the Allegan Conservation District. Stull said Wayland High School junior Cassie Martens has launched an Eco Club that welcomes 25 members. They’ve organized a thrift store to increase awareness about textile waste.
  • Listened to a progress report about the citizens’ road committee from Steve Shoemaker, who said the group is working on identifying township roads that need work and how to promote support for a possible millage request in August 2020. Local voters approved the one-mill renewal in 2018, but turned down a request for additional millage by just 94 votes.
  • Learned from Weston that a Green Lake association has contributed $5,000 to the fire department to purchase a Jaws of Life hydraulic tool.

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