Members of the Leighton Township Board Thursday evening voted 4-0, with Treasurer Jaci Bultsma absent, to use $650,000 in federal ARPA funds to purchase the site of the old Moline Elementary School and surrounding property.
The Township Board six years ago adopted and ordinance amendment to allow owner Steve Austin to use the structure as a home and a business. Austin needed the rezoning in order to conform with other zoning in the area.
Austin in the six years since used the old elementary as a home and business for his business in Moline, Happy Camper, which repairs recreational vehicles. It is adjacent to the Moline Softball Association fields.
The Wayland Union school district sold the building for $45,600 and Leighton Township bought 3.9 acres of the surrounding property for $24,000 to ensure the Moline Softball Association could continue and expand use of the softball fields already on site.
“I don’t think it’s money well spent,” objected Planning Commission member Steve Shoemaker, noting the discrepancy in what Austin paid six years ago and what he’s getting now.
Trustee Brian Bonnema commented, “We should have bought it (the building and property) then.”
Fellow Trustee John Hooker answered, “We couldn’t because we didn’t have the money then.”
Austin purchased the old elementary building in hopes of moving his equipment repair business into it and using part of it for a residence. He also made an agreement for use of the softball fields by the Moline Softball Association without conflicts.
Leighton Township now must make plans to raze the former elementary school building, which as of 20 years ago was deemed to have fallen into an advanced state of disrepair. The building site and surrounding property now will be used for further recreation in Moline, particularly pickleball courts. The township now has at least 12 acres.
Austin has been co-owner of Happy Camper Mobile RV Service and Retro Rentals of Caledonia with his wife, Shelly. They did repair and restoration to campers, motor homes and vintage campers. They also restored vintage campers for Retro Rentals.
Leighton Township Board has signed a purchase agreement to buy the property and structure for $650,000. Structure will likely be razed as estimates to update the building to a safe, compliant use is $2.3 million. Cost to raze the building may be in excess of $250,000, and total costs may be at least $900,000. Funding for the PURCHASE ALONE is provided by the Township’s ENTIRE American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocation provided by the Democratic Majority of votes in Congress and signed by President Biden. I propose that the new facilities be appropriately named in their honor.
I trust you are kidding. But I will play along. What shall they call it in honor of the Bidens? I strongly urge Hairy Leg Park, Hairsniffer Haven or maybe Crackboy Fields Please disclose your preference.
Damn Steve Austin is almost the Million dollar man, thanks to the Liegthon twp board. Something smells a little fishy about the price, will there be a investigation into the twp board for blowing this much money with out the peoples input for which it is suppose to be used for.
our roads are falling apart and the board is spending $900000.thousand or even more for pickleball courts ? sounds like good judgement???
Dennis, If one has money to burn, there is always someone willing to fan the flames. I estimate the building owner must be one hell of a salesman, wait now we must use the term salesperson.
I couldn’t agree more Dennis, but what baffles me is Mr shoemaker is complaining about spending the money and we’re it came from but still voted for it, and I’m almost positive all the members of Leighton twp board are Republicans. And to good ol’ CINO’S point Biden recreation park sounds wonderful.
Point of order: Mr. Shoemaker did not vote for spending the money.
Mr. Shoemaker IS NOT a member of the Township Board, and DID NOT vote for the purchase.
Mr. Shoemaker is a member of Leighton Township Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. Neither position gives him voting authority for Board spending decisions. However, if he had voting authority I can state without question he would NOT have voted for the purchase.
signed, ~Mr. Shoemaker.
Thanks for the clarification; my bad.