Leighton Township voters are likely to be asked again next year to approve a millage to fund local road repairs, resurfacing and paving projects.

Steve Shoemaker, a member of the Planning Commission and the special Citizens’ Road Committee, said the volunteer group has done a lot of talking lately about taking care of the conditions of roads in the township.

Though he acknowledged special road millage requests were turned down at the polls in elections in 2018 and in 2020, he said it’s imperative the township not fall behind on meeting the needs for reliable and safe roads.

“Adjacent townships apparently raise more money for roads than we do,” he said, citing Dorr and Salem Townships.

Shoemaker said he would be in favor of placing a millage request on the November general election ballot in 2022, and he recommended asking for at least 1.5 mills. Both of the failed requests in 2018 and 2020 were for just one mill.

The board likely will not decide on whether to seek a road millage until some time next year.

In other business Thursday evening, the Leighton Township Board”:

• Agreed to pay each of the two local representatives on the Ambulance Board $75 per meeting. Steve Wolbrink and Steve Deer currently have been serving without pay. Wolbrink abstained from voting.

Trustee John Hooker said, “I don’t think we should ask them (the WAEMS Board) to pay for our representation. It’s been a frustrating last couple of years and I’m glad I’m not doing it.”

• Scheduled a public hearing for 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 13, on a request for a tax abatement from Classic Transportation, which is expanding its business at its site.

• Approved the appointments of Hooker, Ben Potts and Matt VanderEide to the Planning Commission and Jon Roodvoets and Rod Alderink to the Zoning Board of Appeals. All terms are for three years.

• Was told by the Allegan County Road Commission the township now has enough money to pave 2.5 miles of road. Serious consideration is being given to two streets in the Paris Ridge subdivision.

• Learned from Library Board member Faith Miedema that there is a good chance the library addition will be completed by the end of January.

• Was told by Fire Chief Matt Weston the department has handled a record 386 calls as of Nov. 30. He also invited everyone to next Saturday’s Christmas parade of fire vehicles all over the township from 3 to 5 p.m.


Dennis Longstreet
December 10, 2021
I am sure Paris Ridge is close to green lake the only place leighton township spends any money.
December 10, 2021
Is it just me, or isn't this what the problem seems to be when it comes to fixing our roads is funding, so Leighton Twp. wants to ask the citizens to pay more in taxes. It would be a millage hike, but at the same time we'll be asked to give a tax abatement to classic transportation. I'm saying enough is enough — time to pay your fair share, now I'm sure there going to argue they pay enough already, but do they really?

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