Leighton millage requests are for renewals only

Leighton millage requests are for renewals only

Leighton Township voters in the November general election will be asked to renew two millage levies for public safety services.

Though acknowledging millage requests were defeated in the August primary, a fire department spokesperson said both included proposed increases. The propositions in the November general election will be be for renewals only.

“It is important to note that even though they are separate questions, both would only be a renewal of the current millage amount which has been in place since 2018,” the spokesperson said. “This is NOT an increase in taxes for public safety, just a continuation of the current millage for operating costs for both police and fire protection.”

Absentee ballots for the Nov 5 election are going out this week to Leighton Township residents. Included are two questions, one for police coverage and the other for the fire department. Both ask to renewal of slightly less than a half mill (0.4744 mill because of provision of the Headlee Amendment of 1978).

The spokesperson further explained that again the millages would be implemented over five years.

“What was on the ballot in August and defeated was a proposal increase in the public safety millage due to the rapid growth in Leighton Township,” the spokesperson said. “What will be on the November ballot is only a renewal of the 2018 amount with no increase. Emergency services are funded solely by a millage.”

Without the two millages, police and fire services would have to funded by the general fund in the township budget form else be eliminated.

If approved and levied, this millage would raise an estimated $181,545 in the first year of the levy. All or a portion of the revenues from this millage will be disbursed to the Allegan County Sheriff’s Department or other govemment agencies for police services within Leighton Township and the Leighton Township Fire Department.

Absentee ballots for the Nov. 5 election are beginning to be distributed via the mail beginning this week.


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