Galloway Landings owner Clark Galloway’s request to amend deed restrictions for his private airs trip and associated property was tabled last Wednesday night by the Leighton Township Planning Commission, at least until April.

Galloway himself was unable to attend the meeting, but Rob Lamer of Exxel Engineering provided the presentation of the requests. for amendments:

• Added land use of event venue/agricultural entertainment within the existing barn with added deck and associated parking area..

• Added uses related to the proposed domiciled aircraft hangar that would include offices, kitchen, overnight sleeping areas and lounge areas.

• Paving and extending the grass airstrip by an additional 700 feet.

• Addition of emergency, pilot-controlled lighting on the airstrip.

Between 45 and 50 interested individuals attended the meeting. Many spoke in opposition to the request. Some of the residents in opposition figured prominently in the oppositions presented in the 2016-2017 decision making period in which the air strip eventually was approved in a referendum of township voters.

There also were a half-dozen or so individuals who spoke in favor of the request, or provided some clarification about terminology related to details of the discussion.

The Planning Commission voted to table any action on the requests pending further review of the original resolution and any additional information received prior to the April meeting.

In other business, the Planning Commission:

Recommended approval of Anchor Capital’s request to construct nine proposed self-storage buildings on 10.22 acres at the corner of Division Ave. and 147th Ave. No outdoor storage of any kind will be allowed.

Adopted a resolution of findings to support a denial of GRI Moline’s request based on those findings to rezone approximately 57 acres at 4501 Division Ave.

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