To the editor:

Go to your local fair, walk past the rides and the games and find those livestock kids. Have a conversation with them, ask them about their animals. You just may learn something and have your faith  in our future restored.

We fill the bleachers on Friday nights for football. We fill the bleachers on cold winter nights for basketball. We travel miles and miles, to sit in the bleachers for volleyball, baseball, softball, gymnastics, and dance.

Our 4-H and FFA families would like to invite you to fill the bleachers on a warm summer day during county fair week and watch the kids who practice with a 1200-pound steer that doesn’t always want to walk, a 140-pound lamb that doesn’t want to get on the stand for the 100th time, a 280-pound hog that just wants to stay in the cool barn or a stubborn goat that doesn’t like the chain/halter.

Come check out Exhibit Hall for all the non-livestock exhibitors. These kids have heart and dedication and put hours into their creations.

Let’s fill the bleachers, barns, and buildings to show these kids that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and because of them, the future of the agriculture and leadership is in good hands.

Vicki Swainston, Hopkins


David A. K.
August 29, 2023
Vicki, Thank you so much for the mindset adjustment. God knows many of us need it. Most certainly, the animals and husbandry are profoundly more important than a ball. My opinion.Thanks.
August 30, 2023
Our beloved daughter-in-law participated in 4-H in S.C. when she was a youth. She learned so much, and gained lifelong perspective in the process. She won some awards, made some money, and made friends. Caroline went to on to Clemson University, majoring in Veterinary Science, and still works in the field of vet science. We had the good fortune to attend the little Manistee County Fair a couple of weeks ago, and the livestock was the highlight.
4-H parent
August 30, 2023
Thank you Vicki! These kids put a lot of work into their projects. Both livestock and craft type projects. You don’t know the meaning of teamwork until your team member is a 1400-lb. steer or cow with a mind of its own!
Just an old farmboy
August 31, 2023
As the parent of past 4H participants I whole hearted agree. You don't have to purchase an animal at the fair to show support, just show up in the barns and observe these kids and compliment them on a job well done. You will be amazed at their appreciation of being noticed.

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