The up and down sDawson Babiak 3-10truggles of the Babiak family were on the upswing this week when it was learned that 4-year-old Dawson Babiak currently is leukemia free.

A posting today on the “Prayers for Dawson” site, presumably by his mother, Allison, said:

“We finally received the news from the oncologists that we have been waiting for. Currently there is NO evidence of leukemia cells in Dawson’s bone marrow!

“This by no means represents the light at the end of the tunnel (we know that we still have 2.5 years of treatment). But this does mean that the chemo is working. We now move on to the interim maintenance phase of treatment where Dawson is inpatient chemotherapy four days out of 14 for the next two months to ensure his body systems can handle treatment. Our focus now is on the leukemia cells that may be lurking throughout the body.

“We are absolutely ecstatic that the bone marrow has officially been termed to be in remission. Celebrations are definitely needed. After hearing the great news today Dawson was moved to the ninth floor and will start his in-patient chemo this evening.

“Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.”

Dawson is the son of Allison Babiak, a math teacher at Wayland Middle School, and Jason Babiak, a teacher at Hopkins. He is shown here at DeVos Children’s Hospital, perhaps smiling after receiving the good news.

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