Martin Township’s plans to expand the township hall to accommodate more office space for the clerk and treasurer do not come without non-economic costs.

While plans proceed apace with The Architectural Group and indications are that work on the project will begin in mid-June, JC Wheeler Library officials are scrambling to to have their annual book sale at the hall Thursday and Friday, June 13 and 14. They cannot rent the hall after that date because the parking lot will be torn up from construction and preparation.

Library Board Member Alice Kelsey first approached the board Wednesday evening about using the hall for the sale, but Treasurer Sue Tiemeyer said she and Clerk Rachelle Smit decided to shut down all rentals for the remainder of the year while the project continues.

Supervisor Glenn Leep quipped to library representatives, “Since there are no other rentals, we’re giving you guys a special exception.”

Library officials said their work to get everything ready by mid-June will be very difficult, but they really liked having the sale at the hall instead across the street at the library because there is more space to sell books.

Leep noted while paying the bills that the township already has committed $37,000 to TAG for architectural services.

In other business at Wednesday’s meeting, the board:

• Agreed to a final price tag of $49,230 to Hopkins Ag Center LLC for expanding East Martin Cemetery on the west side of 8th Street by purchasing up to six acres of land.

• Approved Fire Chief Earl Wykstra’s request to hire two new firefighters, Skyler Courtney and Christian Lake.

“We’re down to 18 (full-time firefighters) right now, so we need to get this number back up a bit,” Wykstra explained.

The chief also noted he is beginning to explore the idea os having a fire department auxiliary at no extra cost.

• Agreed to pay R. Smith & Sons $87,066 for graveling this year on local roads.

• Was told that Nate Knight again is believed to be in non-compliance with township zoning ordinances. Professional Code Inspections, zoning enforcement administrator, has been taking pictures of the violations.

Knight was taken to Allegan County District Court last year, but the judge ruled the issue settled after he had complied.

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