A meetup for those interested in growing and producing hemp is planned for 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13, at Simply Celia’s on South Main Street in Wayland.

Hemp, now entirely legal in Michigan, offers a burgeoning market provide huge sustainable opportunity. Farming, processing for fiber, seed, food products, biomass, CBD or more than 25,000 other products, affords opportunity in many directions.

Meetup organizer Virgil Gleason said, “The world market for hemp is well established and has functioned for thousands of years, the US hemp market functional at one time has been held back for decades and now gets to play catchup.
My drive is to help develop the community and infrastructure required for the local entrepreneur to flourish and sustain a position in a market dominated by national and international players.

Gleason said the meeting generally will function under the Roberts Rules of Order. A volunteer time keeper, and someone to shoot a couple photos are needed.

The itinerary:

• 6:30 — meet and greet, coffee and tea available, self-serve.
• 7:00 -7:15 — Short intro by Gleason.
• 7:16 -7:30 — Time for each person to share why they are here and what their primary questions or concerns may be.
• 7:31 – 8:00 Generate a list of the top five to ten questions the group has.
• 8:01 – 8:20 — Discussion about what can be done to help develop and maintain a viable position in hemp.
• 8:25 – 8:30 — Closing comments.


Don't Tread On Me
January 31, 2019
So now it begins, the golddigger's quest to supply medicinal patients and recreational potheads. I do not lump them together as to motives - medicinal patients use it to relieve pain and effects of chemotherapy, potheads are still in reliving the 1960's and wannabe's to emulate their partying "heros". The people of this republic experiment have lost their way. Abortion on demand, God relagated to obscurity (even in the churches), freedom and liberty are a diminishing and obscure words by the populace. America is being lost and we are standing by watching it happen. I say if you need pot, there is nothing to stop you from cultvating it on your own. It is still illegal under federal law, so that takes precedence over state law. So the feds will turn their heads and let states do whatever? I hope there are a few opposing folks at this meeting, just to give an opposing viewpoint. But the die is cast and the road to destruction has been determined. And so it goes ....
February 1, 2019
The purpose of this meeting has nothing to do with marijuana. It has everything to do with growing and producing hemp as a product for use as paper, clothing, etc., with no THC.
dennis longstreet
February 1, 2019
Again a rant from tread boy with no facts . I hope opposing people against toilet paper and paper towels show up.But the die is cast clean butts dont mater And so it goes
Harry Smit ( the amateur essayist)
February 1, 2019
Mr Young Yes you are correct their are a multitude of products that can be made from hemp which is a variant of the cannabis plant, which has low THC. One of the products that is very popular on the list of products is beer. It seems to produce the same effect as the alcohol in beer. An interesting fact Jay Leno owned a sports cars made from hemp fibers. Will be interesting to hear what will be explained at this meeting
virgil r gleason
February 1, 2019
Thank you for the clarification between Pot and Hemp. Some times I wonder if people think I am talking about Pot. Food, fiber, clothing, crop rotation, and 25,000 other non-tokable products from Hemp.
Al Weener
February 2, 2019
Bravo I hope you have a nice meeting I will pass this along to anyone that’s seems in hemp. Contrary to some comments this is becoming mainstream and it’s about time. Hemp was grown in the area prior to World War II and could be found growing wild in the Todd farm when I was in high school .

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