Theresa Lott, who technically lives in Gun Plain Township but identifies much more strongly with Martin, isn’t happy she cannot buy 10 cemetery lots in Martin Township.
Lott told the Township Board Wednesday evening she lives on 112th Avenue near 10th Street and has a Martin address, is in the Martin Public School District and votes in Martin school elections, but she was told she can’t buy cemetery plots.
“Everything we do, we do in Martin,” she said of her family. “How can you pick and choose who can buy plots and who can’t?”
Supervisor Glenn Leep told her the issue is that she technically is a resident of neighboring Gun Plain Township and pays her taxes there, so the local ordinance forbids her to be able to buy plots at the low residents’ price of $100 each.
Leep said he is sorry this situation has arisen but, “We have to stick with our ordinance on where we draw the line.”
Lott said she can’t afford the hefty price for non-residents’ plots and insisted that a non-resident she knows was able to buy at the local price. She was told the reason was that the purchase involved a close family member being a resident.
She said she might then contact her ex-daughter-in-law to enable her to purchase at the local price. Township officials said they weren’t sure that would be covered under the ordinance.
Lott left the meeting not satisfied with the answers to her questions.
In other business at Wednesday’s meeting, the Township Board:
• Approved gravel work by the Allegan County Road Commission for 7th Street from 120th to 122nd Avenue, 120th Avenue from U.S.-131 to 10th Street, 122nd Avenue from 6th to 4th Street, and 118th Avenue from 10th to 8th Street.
• Adopted a resolution supporting expansion of permission of ORVs from the Village of Martin limits to 8th Street and from the village limits 114th Avenue.
• Noted this year’s annual Trash Day will be Saturday, May 21.
• Was told that local firefighters have decided on the name “Martin Fire & Rescue” for the sign that will be installed above the fire station.