A Go Fund Me campaign has been started for Bryce (Bruce) Permoda, son of Patrick and Patty Permoda.
A family member reported Bryce was very lethargic and a decision was made to take him to the ER at the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids.
“He was non-verbal, and while he recognized his name, he would only groan in response,” the spokeswoman said. “Following his initial CT, it appeared as though he had a brain bleed. Neurology came and did a closer look and concluded that his sinus infection has spread to his brain.
“From there a plan was made. He would undergo a flourish-hour long surgery, where they removed a piece of his skull, and extracted as much of the infection as they could. They would send the infection to be tested so that the right antibiotics could be administered and Bruce’s healing process would begin.
“The piece of skull removed was also tested to see if it was infected. If it is, they will leave that piece out while he heals and build a prosthetic piece to be inserted in 8-10 weeks depending on healing process.

“The ENT surgeon went in and drained his left sinus and said that was routine and nothing unique there. They also found an abscess on the frontal lobe and removed that as well during the surgery.”
Bryce went into surgery around 1 p.m. Friday and was in ICU around 6 p.m.
“This next week will be critical,” the family member said. “Doctors and nurses will be watching for strokes and seizures as well as monitoring the infection. Last night was a good night. We are still waiting on blood culture results as to what the infection consists and they are attaching an EEG to monitor his brain activity.
“He’s on three antibiotics and he can wiggle his toes.
“These are also hard times so we know people may not be able to help financially, but may want to cook meals, FaceTime/write notes or cards to Bruce, or provide constant support of his page and prayers will gladly be accepted as well.”
He is a member of the Byron Center High School hockey team.