An Allegan County Drain Commission Board of Determination hearing Monday night led to establishment of a drainage project for Big Lake in Watson Township.
A packed house appeared at the Watson Township Hall to insist the work must be done because high lake levels are causing flooding at their residences.
The project will drain Big Lake to Pike Lake to Shagnasty Lake and final to the Thompson Creek Drain.
Allegan County Commissioner Gale Dugan told the Township Board Thursday evening, the determination was that “It is in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare to proceed with the project… The engineer has determined there is a need.”
Residents in the Big Lake area complained they’ve been getting the runaround after they first came in droves to the Township Board meeting a year ago, then were told to talk to the Allegan County Drain Commission, then the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, but eventually they were steered back to the local board.
As one resident asserted in 2018, “It seemed like everybody is just passing the buck.”
Some residents believe the problems started to occur after the arrival of residential development on the south side of the lake.
Part of the problem is that until earlier this year there was no engineer working for the county who could properly deal with the issue. The DEQ has insisted such a person is essential for anything to move forward.
Dugan added that the Board of Determination recently approved a joint drainage project for Pine Lake for Allegan and Barry counties. He said Pine Lake is three and a half feet over acceptable levels.
In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the board:
- Noted that the Martin Board of Education will have a meeting at the township hall at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 16. The board has resurrected its old policy of meeting at least once a year at various different sites in the district.
- Was told by Trustee Chuck Andrysiak the Planning Commission is continuing to deal with a possible zoning ordinance amendment for mineral extraction businesses.
- Agreed to switch to A T & T for Internet service from Camp Communications because the current service is not accommodating downloads adequately. Supervisor Kevin Travis said it’s getting to the point that Internet is an essential service for all local governments, no matter how small.