Lowell Police Department puts the public into public safety

10563129_616633431785804_7106932294618874944_nACHTUNG: This is a not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.

“The two most important purposes of government are to solve problems and be a fair referee.” — David T. Young

Indeed, if only government would spend a lot more time doing just that. But I was encouraged this week when I heard tell that the Lowell Police Department has offered up its public space for people who do business on Craigslist to complete their transactions.

My hat, if I had one, is off to the Lowell PD for its unselfish act of public service, to serve and protect.

Like most other folks, I’ve bought and sold items on Craigslist without any trouble, but just like with anything, there’s somebody out there willing to scam somebody else in the interest of copping some quick of easy money. Scammers and low lifes operate in a variety of places — by telephone, the Internet, even in the public square.

It seems impossible to eliminate troubles such as the ones they cause, but the percentages of smooth and fair transactions will increase greatly if the authorities lend their help in the public market place.

The Lowell PD, in an official statement to the people, said, “We would invite you to complete your Craigslist/Online ad transaction in the lobby of our police department. This will definitely weed out the bad guys trying to scam or harm the citizens of this fine community,”

So the Lowell PD is doing what government should do in two ways. It is serving as a sort of referee by providing that neutral site, where shenanigans will be severely curtailed and it is solving a problem in which buyer and and seller don’t have to worry about their own personal safety or being ripped off.

I hereby encourage all public safety departments, whether they be sheriff’s departments, city police, state police or fire departments, to serve as a transaction site for two parties engaging in commerce.

That way if I decide to buy something and other party doesn’t want to meet at a public safety site to consummate the deal, then I won’t do it. And vice versa.


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