The Wayland City Planning Commission Tuesday evening approved a request for a special use permit to accommodate as many as three bedrooms on the second floor of the Lumberyard Events Center at the corner of Maple and Railroad streets.

Mark and Marty Shepherd, owners of the site that for more than 100 years was home to Smith Lumber & Coal, launched the banquet, reunion and wedding venue three years ago. Now they said they’d like to use the second floor for temporary accommodations for event guests for up to seven days.

City Manager Josh Eggleston said, “I’m not seeing any concerns from a logistical standpoint. It won’t cause any additional parking concerns.”

Mark Shepherd said there will be a kitchenette on site, but dwellers won’t be able to cook food.

“It’s designed for families to be able to come in (for the special events). But we don’t want to be a hotel.”

Neighbor Frederick Clack expressed opposition by saying the facility is guilty of causing noisy nights with drinking and rowdy behavior.

Plan Commission Chairman said those concerns are better dealt with though the city, particularly the police.

Clack countered that local police have not been responsive to his complaints.

Mark Shepherd said he’d like to talk further and privately with Clack because, “I don’t want you upset. You’re our neighbor.”

Clack further said the events business came in without his input. Eggleston said notices to neighbors were sent for two public hearings three years ago.

When Clack arrived at the meeting almost as the public hearing was ending, he insisted the notice said it would start at 7:30. Gonzales said his notice said 7 p.m.

In other business, Eggleston tried to bring the commission up to speed on the proposed city annexation of 13 properties along U.S.-131 in Hopkins Township.

He said the township proposed Dorr Township extend sewer to the properties, but Dorr declined. Hopkins Township then proposed the Village of Hopkins provide sewer service.

Commissioners also were told that longtime member Sam Dykstra has decided against seeking another term, so there is an opening and a candidate is sought almost immediately.


Don't Tread On Me
September 15, 2021
Bedrooms in a wooden building over 100 years old on a second floor? Can anyone say firetrap? This decision to approve the request so quickly sure raises the question of inside influence again. Will they assure all egress and fire suppression/alarms are installed and according to all state and federal commercial building codes, just like hotels? Has there been any input from the fire officials? Since a hotel is a half mile away, why was the City Council so quick to approve this request? It sure smells funky!
September 15, 2021
The Planning Commission, not the City Council, approved the special use permit.
Don't Tread On Me
September 16, 2021
Which if approved by the Planning Commission, it is usually "rubber stamped" by the City Council. I question the wisdom and validity of this approval.

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