Martin High School, just like all other high schools in Michigan, will shut down for three weeks and switch to all on-line learning in response to the Covid-19 virus crisis.
Schools Supt. Brooke Ballee-Stone issued a statement in the wake of Sunday’s announcement by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. It read:
“Starting Wednesday, Nov. 18, all ninth through 12th grade students (with very few exceptions) will be switching to mandatory remote/online learning. This learning platform will be in effect until close of school day Tuesday, Dec. 8. On Wednesday, Dec. 9, regular classes will then start back up again for ninth through 12th grade students in the building.
“(To parents) Please make sure that your high school student brings home the Chromebook device he/she will need, along with any other textbooks, food left in lockers, clothes left in lockers, etc.
“Right now, there are several scenarios going on at both the elementary and the middle school due to both quarantining and actual cases of Covid-19. Mr. (Elementary Principal Dave) Hardenburgh and Mr. High School-Junior High Principal Brad) Coon have been working overtime to make sure that all classes are covered for instruction and that all staff and students are as safe as possible. I just want all of you to know that we are working very hard to make sure that everyone continues to work so that there are no layoffs needed.
“What this means, though, is that some staff may be working in a different capacity than you are used to seeing. Please know that this is temporary and is for the good of the students and staff involved and will in no way hinder your child’s learning.
“I hate to have to say this again, but I am going to because the spread is getting worse and some students are being extremely lax in staying out of school when symptoms appear. There are many students who need continual reminding to maintain social distancing and to wear masks appropriately.
“All Martin families have been given access to the Allegan County Health Department protocols for symptoms, testing, etc., and it is still available to look at on the district website under the COVID-19 link (https://www.martinpublicschools.org/apps/pages/covid19).
“The two most important mitigation strategies are wearing face masks appropriately and maintaining social distancing. I cannot stress the importance of us all working together to combat this disease spreading.
“I look at how supportive everyone in the community is for our athletes, for our programs and just for our schools in general. You are all amazing! Please treat the support of all the safety protocols as you would treat the support of anything else our students are involved in and we can destroy this pandemic together!”