by Austin Marsman

Supt. David Harnish

The Martin Board of Education Monday night welcomed Superintendent David Harnish back to work after he sustained a severe injury to his right arm in a fall from a ladder earlier this month while painting in his basement. 

The injury immediately called for almost six hours of surgery and now will require physical therapy. He was out of school for nearly two weeks.

“The road to recovery will be long,” Harnish said, “but I’m excited to be back at school.”

In the school board meeting, drafting and computers teacher Barb Schipper commended the board on another great year of decision making, noting January also was Board Appreciation month.

Officers elected for the coming year are Jennifer Harrison, president; Vince Tuinstra, vice president; John VandenBerg, treasurer; and Jason Moored as secretary.

In other business at Monday night’s meeting, the board:

Martin Board of Education members show their school spirit in Clippers’ attire.

·  Was urged by Harrison to undergo training at some point in preparation for upcoming contract negotiations.

·  Received an update from Harnish there has been no answer yet from AdvancED about district accreditation, but he expects the decision soon.

·  Expressed satisfaction with the current snow removal situation. Harrison stated that they have been pretty “responsive” to needs and the “price is right.”

·  Approved four personnel changes: Amy NieKamp to EL/At-Risk teacher; Richard Meeker to transportation supervisor/mechanic; Rebecca Lautenschlager to administrative assistant for AD/dean of students; and Debra Warner to food service.

·  Was presented an update by bond project manager Mike Hammis, who  said the footings and foundations have been poured for the new concession football stand and home bleachers, and overall the project is moving along at a good rate.

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