Martin School District voters will be asked by Tuesday, Nov. 7, to approve an extension of the current bond rate for seven more years to fund infrastructure and building improvements.
Supt. Samantha Ball paid a visit to the Township Board Wednesday evening to explain what the schools want to do and she stressed that residents won’t have to pay any extra taxes each year, but instead will have the current millage rate of seven mills continued between the years 2045 and 2052.
School district residents now pay seven mills annually after passage in 2016 of a bond proposal that has resulted in solar power being installed in all buildings. But the superintendent has said there are a few additional projects that need to be undertaken in years ahead.
The building improvements proposed are:
- Replacement of mechanical and electrical infrastructure to provide sufficient heating and air conditioning. Ball said she believes Martin is perhaps the only school system in the area without air conditioning in classrooms.
- Consolidating the band room and Clipper room to create more space for band and choir programs and more space for elementary music.
- Renovations and additions to the cafeteria so that students can use new space to enable age separation for diners and multi-purpose activities. The move also would include updates for the kitchen and dining areas, as well as shipping and receiving.
- Renovation of classrooms to help meet the educational needs of the youngest students and addition of restrooms, plus a secure outdoor learning space in the outdoor courtyard.
- Upgrades to the elementary library and creation of added multi-purpose space for technology learning.
Ball told the Township Board Wednesday night, “It’s kind of like fixing up your house.”
She said the district already has spent about $60,000 over the last several years to handle minor needs, but the fund balance in the budget is estimated at about $1.2 million. That amount alone would not be able to pay for the proposed projects that instead could be funded by extension of the bond.
The current annual bond rate is seven mills, and it expires in the year 2045. The extension, if approved next month, would expire in 2052. The extension then would generate $17.51million.
The campaign by school officials is in full force, including “Bond Blitz” programs weekly at the Clippers Cafe.
The wording on the ballot is as follows:
“Shall Martin Public Schools, Allegan and Barry Counties, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Seventeen Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($17,150,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, in one or more series, for the purpose of: erecting, furnishing, and equipping an addition to a school building; remodeling, including security improvements to, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and equipping, developing, and improving playgrounds, parking areas, and sites?”