Martin Public Schools Superintendent Brooke Ballee-Stone showed passion while defending decisions to shut down classroom instruction and mask up athletes in efforts to mitigate a Covid-19 surge.
Ballee-Stone told about three dozen parents who protested at the school board meeting Monday night that the health department mandates student-athletes to use masks during close encounters in contests, “otherwise, we will have to forfeit the game.”
Many of the people who appeared at the meeting insisted masks don’t work and they felt Martin was having to wear masks while other schools didn’t during indoor sporting competitions.
The superintendent said last week Martin chose to switch to virtual instruction for all this week because, “We had so many kids in quarantine, we had to shut down. Too many kids are coming to school sick. I want to keep our kids safe, so I’m going to follow what it is required.”
Ballee-Stone added that the district had a shortage of bus drivers as well because of the virus. And she informed everyone present that schools must have at least 75% percent of students attend before it can be officially declared a school day.
She became most passionate when declaring, “If this is something people can’t live with, I’ll quit.”
The superintendent noted there have been two high school students, one in Decatur and another at Kalamazoo Central, who have died of the disease since the academic year began. She also noted the Covid death last week of Martin political activist Bill Mohr.
Laurie DeYoung had an entirely different point of view, insisting that Ballee-Stone’s mask was useless because she so often touched it and straightened it.
“No studies prove that masks work,” she asserted. “I feel like a lot of information is being concealed from us.”
She said earlier in the meeting that, “I think masks give us a false sense of security.”
Barb Keyzer asked, “Why pick on the athletes?” and she argued that testing procedures too often reveal false conclusions.
One man maintained that testing athletes just before a game is unfair and may be too late and said masking is more harmful than beneficial.
Mike Kimmel said, “I need to understand the justification for this. It’s not required by the MHSAA or the health department.”
Rob Reinke said it makes him sad that health decisions continue to separate the kids rather than bring them together.

Board Trustee Melanie Conley said, “People are tired of Covid and they want to move on.”
But Tina Keeler, a nurse, said he has first-hand knowledge that masks to indeed work in thwarting the spread of the Coronavirus.
Ballee-Stone made a point to announced that the schools will hand out free lunches Wednesday at 10 a.m., good for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week.
In other business at Monday night’s meeting, the board:
• Presented Ballee-Stone with an “effective” rating over year second year with the district in departments of leadership, governance community relations and staff relations.
Board President Art Shook said, “As we continue to navigate Martin schools through difficult times, her dedication to her role as superintendent is remarkable.”
• Approved the hiring of Nate Ball as interim athletic director, Brad Moelker as communications coordinator and Allen Walker as nutrition supervisor.
• Re-elected Art Shook president, Vince Tuinstra vice president, Rodney Pillars secretary and Conley treasurer. Tuinstra was selected by a 4-3 vote over Austin Marsman.
• After hearing questions from Conley about the “Capture Kids’ Hearts” program and its $120,000 expense, listened to an endorsement by parent Bill Buell.
So I was at the meeting last and a lot of things in the article were purposely left out to make it seem like the parents where terrible. As parents we weren’t “protesting” we just came to voice our opinion and get questions answered. As this affects our kids. As a mom of two kids this does affect them.
I find it appalling that more people are not talking about mentally what this is doing our kids. There are going to be long lasting effects of this on our kids.
Also, we still have freedom of speech in this country. Everyone last night board members and parents where respectful. This is hot button issue and of course people will get heated, but everyone on BOTH sides where respectful.
As a mom we have made conversation about freedom of choice. We tell our kids to love people, as Jesus does, be respectful, kind and it doesn’t matter if you mask or not. Everyone should be treated equal.
As a parent who was there this was a very one-sided article.
I did not speak to endorse Capturing Kids Hearts program. I said I thought $120,000 was way to much to pay for this program. I gave some details of how the program worked along with some advisement on different issues that go along with implementing the program.
Still no talk about the leash around the neck of our school and our students. ESSER Funds and the requirements the schools must meet upon accepting them. There have been 3 disbursements of these funds. Read them and what they entail. Masks are just the tip of the iceburg. Return these funds and take back the right to decide what is best for our schools and our students. Don’t take someone else’s word for what they mean and how they are to be interpreted. Read them for yourself.
You should really be fired for your lack of accuracy in journalism. I had a lot more to say than what you quoted., as did others. Your agenda is VERY clear!