The Martin Township Board Wednesday evening adopted a more than a million dollar budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

The township, during a truth-in-taxation hearing, indicated it anticipating $1,245,830 in revenue with general fund taking in 1.0605 mills, fire millage at 0.9910, 0.750 mill for equipment and 3.9521 for roads. All of the amounts reflected the maximum allowable levies with the rollbacks mandated by the 1978 Headlee Amendment.

Township Treasurer Sue Tiemeyer said the fund balance, or “rainy day fund,” is $64,562.

In other business, the Township Board:

• Was told by Wheeler Library Board member Alice Kelsey that Abbie LaFountaine has been hired as library director, succeeding Alicia Kershaw, who left last month after 15 years to take a new job. LaFountaine is expected to start Monday, June 19.

• Was told by Ambulance Board Representative Sarah Lynema that Mike DeWeerd has taken over as secretary of the WAEMS Board after the death of Judy Keyzer, and Sue Kamyszek has filled in as the new treasurer. She also said there is talk about Kathy Smith and Brenda Mays combining efforts to succeed the retiring Bob Hess in September.

• Learned from County Commissioner Gale Dugan that Allegan County is holding the line on millage rates, levying 5.1272 mills for general operations and 6.8504 mills total, reflecting the rollback in revenue mandated by the Headlee Amendment.

• Was told by Dugan that Gun Lake County Park won a small grant to better handle pedestrian traffic on Patterson Avenue at 124th Avenue.

• Accepted two new firefighters, Nathan Vos, Ben DeHaan and Cadet Cameron Cameruci.

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