Martin Township is looking into meeting with City of Plainwell Emergency Services to discuss the possibility of an agreement for ambulance services.

Martin Township for a long time has contracted such services with Wayland Area Emergency Services and has a representative, Sarah Lynema, on the board.
Otherwise, redistricting was on the minds of township officials Wednesday night. Clerk Rachelle Smith, who is running for State Representative in the newly-drawn 43rd District, said she already knows of five other Republican candidates to succeed the term-limited State Johnson of Wayland.
Smit also noted Allegan County now is being carved into six State House districts and into three different Senate Districts.
County Commissioner Rick Cain acknowledged he isn’t pleased that Allegan County Commission districts have been pared down to five from 11 as little as 10 years ago. He no longer will represent Martin Township and Village and Gun Plains Township on the County Board.
In other business at Wednesday’s meeting, the board:
• Learned from sexton Mark Simpson that more than 20 people buried in Watson and Martin township cemeteries over the past two years died of Covid-19 related causes.
• Approved the appointment of Matt Double to the Planning Commission and Vince Tuinstra was reappointed. Both are three-year terms.
• Agreed to have the Allegan County Road Commission do gravel worn four miles of township roads for 2022.
• Listened to a presentation by Lori Antkoviak, who has been making the rounds at township meetings to ask for funding assistance for the Safe Harbor program helping children who have been abused.
• Assented to Smit having an election integrity meeting at 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 17, at the township hall to train poll workers for the 2022 election .