ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.

“All of your children are poor unfortunate victims of lies you believe. A plague upon your ignorance.” — Frank Zappa

The Martin TownshiMedical MJ buildingp Planning Commission Tuesday night was only delaying the inevitable when it tabled action on an ordinance dispensing medical marijuana.

The commission seems solid in its opposition to Jerry Patrick’s request to allow his boutique to continue selling “head shop” items while providing a safe place for marijuana caregivers and clients to transact legally. But this strange story could end badly for the township in a court of law.

The essence of the problem is whether the CDXX Boutique is guilty of “dispensing” marijuana for sale to users. Patrick insists it is not. The question very likely may have to be settled in a court of law at taxpayers’ expense.marijuana ords

Township officials also are perturbed that Patrick did not first submit a site plan for his business and service in downtown Shelbyville. Chairman Pete Zeinstra clearly stated his problem with the boutique not following customary procedures.

Yet I heard from more than one of the three dozen boutique supporters say that if a site plan would have been submitted, it would have been rejected summarily and there would be no issue to discuss.

Another clear sign the boutique will be rejected by the township is the old tried and true fear factor that has been operating in America for nearly a century — the false notion that marijuana somehow is a dangerous drug. Commission Secretary Marge Smith told the three dozen visitors in the township hall that she has to consider what the people of Martin Township want, whatever that is. She said that as a township official, she must protect the people who live here. Protect them from what?

Smith went over the top in the category of fairness when she identified Patrick as a relative of disgraced former local restaurateur and convicted murderer Gordon Lyons.

Despite promises by Patrick and his associates that his service and business will be safe and legal, and despite testimony from many area citizens, some of whom used to live in Martin Township, officials will not allow it to continue.

So that means Patrick and friends, who already have an attorney, just might bring a legal challenge, insisting a government cannot prohibit a legal establishment from operating as long as it follows the regulations.

This game is far from over, folks. It serves as a microcosm of the failed national “War on Drugs” and the impressive gains the marijuana legalization movement has made in recent years. It is a battleground of fear and ignorance against progress and compassion.

Eventually, the latter will win.

Colorado, Alaska, Oregon, Washington and Washington D.C. voters have legalized it entirely in the last couple of years. And voters in Michigan could seal that same deal next year at the ballot box, rather than state lawmakers, whose incompetence helped create this unpleasant mess in the first place.


Free Market Man
September 3, 2015
I've lost a relative and 3 high school friends over the years because of related drug abuse. No, marijuana (MJ) didn't kill them, but it was their first drug in their youth, helping lead them try other highs with other drugs; prescription medications, cocaine, heroin, meth. I understand the medicinal purposes MJ reportedly has in controlling pain with those with disease or other afflictions. I also think many people will get a prescription for medical MJ when they have no need for it except for the high. Regardless, it doesn't sound like he was following protocol for establishing a business with the town/township. If anyone else would try to start a business or build a building for business purposes, the proper permits and approval must be obtained. Ever notice liberals want everyone else to follow the protocols, laws, and statutes but think they don't apply to them with they want to do something? Government is only good when it is favorable to their ideas, evil if it isn't. I don't have a dog in this fight, but there are plenty of other places close by (Kalamazoo or GR) to obtain medical MJ. If Martin doesn't feel it is in their best interests to allow such a business, the person can always find another area to place their business. Think of Wayland turning down a die shop and they moved to Dorr Township. Maybe he ought to try Dorr, they seem to welcome business.
Dan Patrick
September 15, 2015
The first drugs I had as a youth were sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco. I don't see them shutting down convenience stores. This is not kids getting high, its people with conditions taking a natural medicine instead of the zombie inducing poison, offered up by the pharmaceutical companies.

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