The Martin Township Board Wednesday evening continued to work on expanding the township hall to make more room for offices of the clerk, treasurer and assessor.
However, the expansion is likely to be to the north rather than to the east after review by Dan Bode of The Architectural Group (TAG), which was hired two month ago at a cost of $5,250 to begin the study and provide sketches. TAG just a year and half ago completed construction of the new Leighton Township Hall on 12th Street, next to the Leighton Library.
“Supervisor Glenn Leep said of the project, “It’s different than what we originally thought about.”
Plans now call for expansion to the north to accommodate two offices at 20-by-24 feet for the clerk and treasurer. The move will mean the township will have to find a way to replace seven lost parking spaces.
Treasurer Sue Tiemeyer earlier this year told colleagues that the offices are so crowded that when people come in to pay taxes or ask questions, “There is no sense of privacy.”
Bode was in Martin Wednesday to present recommendations and the board later that evening voted to spend $1,550 on a survey by Excel Engineering to keep the project moving forward.
In other business Wednesday night, the board:

• Heard a presentation and introduction from Nate Sherman, a Republican who is running for Seventh District Allegan County Commissioner, to succeed the retiring Don Black. The district takes in Martin, Wayland and Gun Plain townships. Sherman is opposed in the GOP primary by Rick Cain.
• Approved appointments of Dave Smit to tthe Zoning Board of Appeals and Don Dekema to the Planning Commission.
• Appointed Supervisor Glenn Leep to work with Clerk Darcy Doezema from Martin Village in representing Martin on the River to River Trail Committee.