by Austin Marsman

Supervisor Glenn Leep (center) explains some of the compliance issues to Martin Township Board members.

A gravel pit located at 1082 10th Street, owned by Nathan Knight, is the center of two controversies discussed at Wednesday’s  Martin Township Board meeting.

The first controversy deals with a non-permitted barn structure on the property. Knight claimed it was for agricultural use, but never obtained a permit to even build it. professional Code Inspections and the township took Knight to court on Dec. 14, 2017, and it looked as though things would turn around. Knight given a 30-day period to comply, get a permit and return to court.

The board learned from Supervisor Glenn Leep, that Knight did not show up for his second appearance in Allegan County court scheduled for Jan. 14. The judge granted an extension until Feb. 14, but Knight again didn’t show. 

It was decide March 14 that township officials can do whatever they would like with the building and property, including leins and demolition since the owner has failed to obtain a permit.

After much discussion, the board decided unanimously to impose a fine of $250 dollars per day starting from the Feb. 14 date until compliance is met. Knight also will be charged a $500 late fee if and when he obtains a permit.

To date, this total of fines is nearing $15,000. This is all pending final review from the township attorney.

Another issue at 1082 10th St. is that a swamp is being excavated and Knight does not have a $1 million performance bond, something that is required for excavation.

Knight was not in attendance at the meeting and was not available for comment. 

COVER PHOTO: The property at 1082 10th Street, with the building in question just beyond the trees.

Photos (Courtesy of Austin Marsman)


Nathan knight
April 16, 2018
You want the real truth just call me this is false statements. I have court documents PCI had 30days to from date we went to court over building on if used at all for farm equipment and we settled on they pci was going to bill me $500 to settle disputes and never got with me after multiple call and me going there tell last week he stopped by my shop. And said everything is fine. Also I never was notified on another court date of anything this is lies. You want the truth I'll tell u truth and show u paperwork along with my approval from township on digging permits and if I need bond which they said no in approval from zoning board that issued permits all bunch of crap. Call me anytime 269-599-2104
David Zuidema
September 3, 2018
Poor reporting and no follow up of information. No one bothered to notice the wrong address listed on the article. Again, proof the media does not care about accuracy or truth any more. The editor should find a job he can really do.

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