The Martin Township Board Wednesday night acknowledged a renewal of three-quarters of a mill for fire and emergency services and equipment will be on the Tuesday, Aug. 2 ballot.
The millage was first proposed in 1998 by the late Trustee Jim Brenner, who suggested it be for four years, the same length as this one seeks.
The levy will include an increase of less than one-tenths of a mill to override the Headlee Amendment roll back over the past four years. It is estimated to raise more than $83,000 in its first year.
In other business Thursday, the Martin Township Board:
• Agreed to spend up to $250 for a security camera to be stationed at the drop box at township hall for the election season. Allegan County officials recommend the move, anticipating the site “will be visited by activists.”
• Received good news that the bid from StoneCo for gravel this year has come in slightly lower than expected.
• Was told by County Commissioner Gale Dugan that the county-wide millage levy this year has been set at 5.1472, though the maximum rate could have been 5.1583.
• Learned from Treasurer Sue Tiemeyer that the township has received its second check from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The first check last year totaled $122,534.