by Robert M. Traxler

Let’s look at President Joe Biden and his cognitive decline.

Our friends in the media even today do not speak of the reasons behind his obvious decline. It is not widely reported, but Biden has had not one but two brain surgeries; they saved his life and were fully necessary, no argument on that point.

As we age, our past catches up with us; bones broken years even decades before tend to give us problems. Major illness and medical conditions we could easily live with earlier in life tend to give us problems as we age. Two brain surgeries will add to anyone’s decline.

President Biden has sleep apnea and has atrial fibrillation; both impact oxygen to the brain and over time take a toll on brain health. They do not guarantee cognitive decline, but certainly are a major contributing factor to it.

President Biden’s misspeaks at the debate and in most appearances after the debate are well documented and go back years before the debate. What is different now, is the media is lining up to notice it.

The “mainstream media” the White House spokes team, and most others screamed like a stuck pig that the conservative media (Fox News mostly) were reporting “False News,” not fake news but false made-up news.

Clips of our President were cut to make him look worse than he is, according to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS and others. All had commentators outraged that the conservative media would do such an underhanded and despicable thing. It was in fact not false or fake, but real; the media just did not care at the time.

The excuse that President Biden had a stutter as a child was used widely and frequently, to shame those using the despicable false news, heartless cheap tricksters that they were.

A good question is why today some in the media do that. Weeks ago all stated he was the sharpest knife in the drawer, now they call for his head. The best answer is the polls. As President Trump’s lead grows, the progressive media is in panic mode. They may lose the election; is it better to be the King or the King maker?

The progressive media see themselves as the King maker and our current President is seen as a threat to their power. We must ask who today, at this time, is running the government? Some say Mrs. Dr. Jill Tracey Jacobs Biden and Robert Hunter Biden.

It could be, but probably not; the bureaucrats, the professional bureaucrats, look down their noses at politicians. After all, they are the experts with experience, not those damned elected rookies. Some of the elected people did not attend Ivy League colleges and universities, so how dare they think they can run the government? It is their (the bureaucrats’) government after all. 

Will the media ask the White House staff and the Democratic leaders why they openly lied about false news? About President Biden’s cognitive decline? Silly question, of course not.

The media were and are willing accomplices in the mass deception; even today some in the media are covering up our President’s cognitive decline.

The debate continues about who is the most dangerous, the biggest threat to world peace as our President. No shock to anyone, I feel it is President Biden, because the evil people, the President Putins of Russia and Ali Khamenei of Iran along with the ISIS and Hamas types, even the Pakistani ISA, are not concerned he will retaliate in any significant way if they attack our allies.

Army Bob Traxler

We need to look at the F-16s promised the Ukraine; after over two years they may, I say again may, just receive them in a few weeks. The party line is that it takes time to train the pilots and ground crews. Well, you can train them from a zero experience base in less than two years.

The Ukrainian Air Force had Mig 29s and trained experienced ground crews and pilots; to transition to the F-16 takes months, not years. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian solders died as the Russians stopped Ukrainian offensive operations with fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Limited air superiority at the point of attack could have ended the war 18 months ago; President Putin was losing support of the Russian people at that time. My opinion.

1 Comment

Bass Man
July 22, 2024
I saw the decline in cognition and physical condition when he was running for president and after "elected". I saw it, you saw it, millions saw it but they finally had to admit it after the debate. Biden was and is a mess. Thank God he bowed out. Now we have 6 months of this dementia patient until Trump is elected.... God help us!

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