Though the Board of Canvassers this week certified that Allegan County Prosecutor Myrene Koch narrowly defeated challenger Michael Villar by just 17 votes, 8,864 to 8,847, Villar has decided to ask for a recount.
Both candidates were seeking the office in the Aug. 4 primary election.
Koch was elected to the post in 2018, also by turning back a challenge from Villar, but this time the vote count was much closer. Villar has charged there were irregularities in the vote count in Fillmore Township.
Koch was favored by Circuit Judge Marge Bakker, herself a former prosecutor, who was succeeded by Roberts Kengis. The seat became vacant when Kengis was promoted to the other Circuit Court bench.
Many of those who support Villar have made corruption accusations against Koch and Bakker over the past several years.
Despite the focus of the recount on Fillmore Township, the recount will be conducted county-wide.