by Jeff Salisbury

Late in the Lame Ducmister journalism2k legislative session of 2014, Democrats won what they thought was a major victory in getting the Republican-led legislature and Gov. Snyder to agree to a study of how much it actually costs to educate a child in Michigan.

Though the study had been long avoided for fear it would suggest schools are way underfunded, Republican leaders traded their support for the study in return for Democrats’ “yes” votes for the Proposal 1 highway funding plan soundly rejected by voters the following May.

Now, two months after its release, the Michigan Education Finance Study remains more an item of curiosity — think meteor landing — than the bombshell intended by Democrats and feared by Republicans. To date, it appears unlikely the report’s impact on the education/legislative landscape will resemble the crater left by meteor or man-made missile.
True to expectations, the report suggested Michigan does not spend enough on education to achieve the desired proficiency levels or the demands set for students and schools on the MSTEP and the SAT. The report recommends a base foundation of $8,667 per student; most districts receive the current base (lowest) foundation amount of $7,511.
Unfortunately, the study did not provide the information most desired, or expected.
– See more at:

One need look no further than the Godfrey-Lee School District to understand the shortcomings of a study based on successful school districts. Godfrey-Lee is funded at the current base foundation of $7,511 for the coming school year. Across town, Forest Hills is funded at a level near the $8,667 recommended by the APA study. Receiving Forest Hills funding in Godfrey-Lee would make a difference, but it would in no way bring Godfrey-Lee achievement scores up to Forest Hills levels. Why? Because about 90 percent of Godfrey-Lee students are considered at-risk due to their family income levels. and nearly two-thirds are English-language learners.
– See more at:

The real Purpose of the school reform/redesign office – from the Fix the Mitten blog

Regarding Executive Order 2015-9, which was signed by Governor Rick Snyder in March 2015 to move the state School Reform Office to the Department of Technology, Management and Budget from the Michigan Department of Education:

“The constitutional purpose of the Department of Education is to oversee and supervise public schools.  By contrast, the purpose of the DTMB is mostly budgetary — its function is to keep an eye on the state’s bottom line.

If the real purpose of the SRRO is to help improve Michigan’s struggling public schools, as Baker insists, then the Governor violated the spirit of the Michigan Constitution by removing it from the Department of Education and grouping it with entirely unrelated agencies in the DTMB.

On the other hand, if the major purpose of the SRRO is actually to save money by closing public schools and shifting the expense to lower-cost or nonpublic alternatives, as I suspect it might be, maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on the Governor.  Perhaps it does belong in the DTMB after all — a department that has everything to do with cutting costs and nothing to do with improving education.”  — Fix the Mitten

Wayland Union Schools to hold Public Forum Monday, August 22

Wayland Union Schools will hold a public forum Monday, Aug. 22, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Wayland Union Fine Arts Center to provide the community with an update on the recent work done by the Citizens Advisory Committee and for the district’s facility needs and future planning.

The committee has met monthly this summer with district administration, representatives from Tower Pinkster Architectural firm and Triangle Construction to discuss possible solutions to needs that were identified in the facility needs assessment completed last school year. The committee is exploring various solutions and options that include preliminary costs. Needs that were identified are overcrowding at the elementary buildings, what to do with 5th grade, the swimming pool, and athletic facility needs.

“We are pleased with the number of volunteers who are serving on the advisory committee and are proud of their hard work and dedication to improve the district’s facilities,” said Norm Taylor, Superintendent. “Tower Pinkster and Triangle Associates have done an excellent job in providing their expertise and input. We want to share the recent update with the public and hope many will attend.”

 POTUS Candidates Education Views

Hillary Clinton on Education

Secretary of State; previously Democratic Senator (NY)

Gary Johnson on Education

Libertarian presidential nominee; former Republican NM Governor

Bernie Sanders on Education

Socialist Jr Senator; previously Representative (VT-At-Large)

Jill Stein on Education

Green Party presidential nominee; Former Challenger for MA Governor

Donald Trump on Education

2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President

…until next time, keep reading, sharing, discussing, learning.

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