From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning

By Jeff Salisbury

End of week one of four overlooking the Gulf of Mexico finds me with nothing much to moan about. We are blessed. I am blessed that my wife earned far more in her working in her institutional food sales and marketing career than I did as a public school teacher and though she did not accrue a pension like mine, she managed to build enough of nest egg allowing her to treat us to annual snowbird getaways.

Nothing so lavish as to allow us to spend our retirement winters entirely in a warmer climate but enough to that she can treat us to a month’s respite from the end of Michigan’s winter and the beginning of first Florida’s and now Alabama’s spring. The revenue stream is sadly not a never-ending flow, but for as long as it lasts us I know we’ll both enjoy things like sitting on a seventh floor balcony overlooking the sun-splashed water across the street. The sun is bright and warm on the balcony and when I finish this up I shall stretch out on one of the recliners.

We left beautiful downtown Wayland, Michigan USA just ahead of what we saw from photos and news reports to be an awful, late winter snowstorm only to arrive in one of the more pleasant destinations along the northern coast of the Gulf and traded 20 or 25 degrees for 65 or 70 degrees.

We’ve been coming here now since 2012 – which was a three-day “come check this out Dad” invitation from our daughter after two weeks on Anna Maria Island near Bradenton, Fla. Now Penny’s booked us for another season – our sixth – March 2017. March is a good month for such an excursion since there’s nothing left of winter in the south – to speak of – and it’s noticeable in flowering plants and green grass and opening buds and a new crop of leaves on trees.

This month brings us other blessings as well since it marks the birthdays of Penny’s late parents — her mother Carrie and her father Ralph were both born on and even married on March 1. Bless their hearts. The stars crossed and IRalph and Carrie Bain am grateful as I am sure are our children, Mike and Shelly, and their spouses, Jill and Aaron along with our four grandchildren. Here they are (at left) not long after or perhaps just before they married in 1949. Aren’t they a good looking couple? Life took its twists and turns and the match was not life-long but they raised a nice family of five children all the same.
My first full day here I slept in a bit then down to the condo office to pay my $20 parking pass and chat up Amanda the manager about springbreakers and snowbirds.

Afterward, I was off to do my part by shopping for groceries and other provisions. While Penny loves shopping for spring and summer clothing bargains (I have benefitted too so far after she came home with sever new polo style shirts for me!) and seasonal items she often cannot find in Michigan — Bealls is her fave which will entail a 30-40 minute drive into Gulf Breeze, FL — I am a fellow who loves a good grocery store.

My dad, Jim, owned Salisbury’s Market (formerly The Timbers Market) in Howell when I was a youngster. Very fond memories of “working” there from the time I was a toddler to about age 10. My father was in and out of the grocery and/or retail sales his whole life…  from South Lyon to Howell and from Krogers to IGA and, of course, his own store. And as for retails sales, my mother, grandmother, my aunt and my brother all worked at the D&C Department Store in Howell. So retail sales is in my blood!

Once I was in high school I went to work in the grocery business again for two to three years. Wrigley’s opened a store in Howell and I started as a “bag-boy” — within weeks of my hiring Wrigley’s sold to a small family-owned chain based out of Saginaw, Vescio’s Supermarkets. It wasn’t long at all and I had the chance to move to the Produce Department as an associate clerk. A lot of my best pals worked there too – guys I am still friends with to this day — the two Rons, Chuck, Ken and Mike — all from the Howell HS Class of 1967 — were quite a crew. Great guys and a great place to work. That explains why I still like grocery stores. Just give me a list and away I will go!

Dollar General was the first stop. I know, I know, it’s not a grocery as such — but they carry a bunch of grocery items. What a store they have her in GS. The largest (so a clerk told me) in all of Alabama. The Wayland Dollar General folks would be envious of the size and inventory. Amazing store. I dropped 60 bucks in items so fast! Very helpful employees too. Very.

Next it was on to Publix — where the people there are at least as friendly as Costco employees — everyone saying hello to me and asking how they might help. They must pay well is my guess, maybe not like Costco, but for this market I bet so. A hundred and sixty bucks later I was on my way back to the condo. Two hours I think it was — and two very enjoyable hours.

Got quite a bit of walking in that day too — for those keeping track of whether I am keeping up with my daily jaunts. Yes. I walked down seven flights to the parking condo lot… and when I returned the grocery cart (provided by the condo association for luggage and supplies up and down the elevators) I tramped UP seven floors to our unit! Haven’t missed a day of walking since I started this habit back on Nov. 1, 2015, and of course it’s easier in this nice weather.mister journalism2

No need to bundle up nor head for the mall either. I like the sidewalks of Wayland and the Woodland Mall in Grand Rapids too for that matter… but the beach… well, enough said eh?

For those folks following my other “journey” — the weight loss journey, I didn’t bring a scales with me (232.5 day before we left) but since I have been on my no-grains/no-sugars/low-carbs regimen since August, I’ve no reason to believe I will fall off the wagon and expect to be in the 220s by the time we get home April 1.

About time to get some free-vitamin-D here on the balcony I should think — a bit of a cool breeze coming off the Gulf — but not a cloud in the sky — until next time, I promise to keep reading, sharing, discussing and learning.





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