(From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning)mister journalism2

By Jeff Salisbury https://misterjournalism.wordpress.com/

Results of Removing Standardized Test Scores from College Admissions | www.hampshire.edu

“If we reduce education to the outcomes of a test, the only incentive for schools and students to innovate is in the form of improving test-taking and scores. Teaching to a test becomes stifling for teachers and students, far from the inspiring, adaptive education which most benefits students. Our greatly accelerating world needs graduates who are trained to address tough situations with innovation, ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and a capacity for mobilizing collaboration and cooperation.”

Read more here:

Issues both major parties should address

“The Republican party is now facing a great crisis. It is to decide whether it will be, as in the days of Lincoln, the party of the plain people, the party of progress, the party of social and industrial justice; or whether it will be the party of privilege and of special interests, the heir to those who were Lincoln’s most bitter opponents, the party that represents the great interests within and with out Wall Street which desire through their control over the servants of the public to be kept immune from punishment when they do wrong and to be given privileges to which they are not entitled.”

~Theodore Roosevelt, April 1912

The full speech (at the link below) could be addressed to both major parties these days, as they both take the corporate donations. 


The Return of Lesser Evilism | Rolling Stone

“Voters don’t want candidates who agree with them about everything. They just want one who isn’t going to completely take them for granted. If that’s become too much to ask, maybe there’s something wrong with the Democratic Party, not people like Ralph Nader or Bernie Sanders.”

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/ralph-nader-bernie-sanders-lesser-evilism-20160620#ixzz4CA75GLM3

CIA: Republicans Were Completely Wrong About Orlando Mass Shooter

“…all of these reactions were part of an uninformed rush to judgment rooted in the racist notion that anyone with brown skin and a name like Omar Mateen must be a foreign operative in league with the same people who brought down the twin towers. They failed to pause for a single, solitary moment of reflection and let investigators do the work of finding facts that might be relevant to fully understanding the events that unfolded in Orlando.

It remains to be seen whether Republicans will acknowledge their monumental misjudgment, but it is clear that if they fail to do so they will be giving Mateen exactly what he wanted.”

Read more here…

…until next time, keep reading, sharing, discussing, learning.

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