By Jeff Salisbury

All I know is what I read online

“Well, what shall I talk about? I ain’t got anything funny to say. All I know is what I read in the papers.” – Will Rogers, Sr.

No theme this week… just a bunch of random ruminations.

Flag Day? mister journalism2I thought July 4th was flag day.

The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America’s birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as “Flag Birthday.” In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as Flag Birthday, or Flag Day.

Flag Day, the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777, was officially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson on May 30, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various communities for years after Wilson’s proclamation, it was not until Aug. 3, 1949, that President Harry Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day.

Latest iPad expense could be case of robbing Peter to pay Paul

Words of wisdom from two different philosophies can demonstrate the difficulty in assessing the Wayland Board of Education’s 5-2 vote Monday night to borrow $640,000 at 2.5% interest to fund the expanded iPad computer tablet program. In support would be the reminder from Charles Darwin that it isn’t the smartest nor the strongest who will survive throughout history, rather it will be those who are able and willing to adapt to changing conditions.

The “good news” is that such borrowing has come to an end now… they’ve spent and/or accounted for every dime of revenue and there’s nothing left in the cash flow (either from the MDE or the GLC) to cover any more loan payments. Though I should note that the cash flow is such and fund equity so low, that it is necessary to borrow against future state aid payments a few months at a time. Fortunately United Bank has agreed, so long as the district does all its banking business with them, they will “float” annual loans with the district from about July to October at no interest. Then when the first state aid payments arrive, WUS pays the cash flow loans back.

Senate bills call for (specific) civics instruction

The Michigan Senate passed a pair of bills (SB 209 and SB 211) this week that promote teaching of civics principles from the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Michigan Constitution for all public school students. The bill, sponsored by State Sen. Patrick Colbeck, R-Canton, is intended to fill holes in civics education that Colbeck says leave many Americans unable to demonstrate basic knowledge about how government works. One of the bills specifies, but does not limit, instruction to a set of required elements, including the First Amendment’s right to freedom of religion and the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms. The bills would require the state’s model core curriculum to include lessons covering those required elements by May 1, 2016.

The existing state assessment would then be required to incorporate those same elements, Colbeck says.

Michigan Radio among all other media outlets are sadly remiss by not pointing out that all 50 states already include civics/gov ed requirements. However, THIS is just another ALEC fill-in-the-blanks for all the corporate-owned tools in our legislature.…/the-civic-literacy-act/ How about sticking a microphone in Colbeck’s mug and ask him, “Why is this legislation even necessary since all 50 states already include civics/gov ed requirements?” And your followup would be, “Senator, what changes if any did you make in the ALEC fill-in-the-blanks legislation model?”…/the-civic-literacy-act/ (NOTE: Calling him a “corporate-owned tool” would be optional.)

It’s OK to Need Comforting

It’s OK to be taken care of for awhile.

Accept understanding and support from friends, family, co-workers.

An emotional wound is real, debilitating and painful. It’s OK to need comfort.

Some people are


so good at comforting that they do it professionally. Feel free to seek the help of a health care professional with whom you feel comfortable.

Be brave enough to accept the help of others.

(Excerpt from the book “How to Survive The Loss Of A Love” Copyright © 1967-1996 By Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D. & Peter McWilliams – available free online at )

When life kicks you in the teeth

“When life kicks you in the teeth, as it does from time to time, it’s tempting to just give up. It’s tempting to just stay on the ground out of fear of getting knocked down again.
But you, you are a Spiritual Warrior.
You can and always DO get back up again — if only to keep people from stepping on you.
When you stay in the fight, you win — regardless of the outcome.
Yes, you are that good.”
– Rev. Amy Eileen Long, Universal Life Church Seminary


Wayland Union Schools – Board of Education Regular Business Meetings, Work Sessions, Committee Meetings

June 8, 6:00 p.m. – Athletic Committee @ Middle School
June 8, 7:00 pm – Wayland Union Middle School, 701 Wildcat Drive
June 22 6:45 p.m.- Administration Building, 850 E. Superior (Annual Budget Hearing)

June 22, 7:00 p.m. – Administration Building, 850 E. Superior
July 13, 2015 7:00 pm – Administration Building, 850 E. Superior

During the PUBLIC COMMENTS, tell Board members to:

  1. Question Every Aspect of the District’s Essential and Non-Essential Educational Programming and Personnel Expenditures (Needs versus Wants)
  2.  Set General Fund & Casino Revenue Spending Guidelines
  3. Track and Trim All Expenditures & Make Targeted Programs & Personnel Cuts As Needed


  1. “Build ONE Budget” – combine general fund revenue (local, state and federal dollars) and Gun Lake Casino “in lieu of taxes” revenue.
  2. “Pay Yourselves First” – restore the fund equity – which dipped from 15% to 7% in four years – by committing to saving 1% to 1.5% per year for AT LEAST the next 5 years.
  3. “No More Loans” – resist the temptation to borrow more money on top of the $291,000 annual loan payments to United Bank for the science wing from 2015 to 2025… no loans for iPads, no loans for school buses – no more loans PERIOD.


  1. Nancy Thelen, President, Email:  Phone: 616-877-3098
  2. Tom Salingue, Vice-President, Email: Phone: 269-792-2061
  3. Toni Ordway, Treasurer, Email: Phone: 269-910-3297
  4. Theresa Dobry, Secretary, Email: Phone: 616-681-2119
  5. Janel Hott, Trustee,   Email: Phone: (h) 269-792-0297  (c) 269-250-0286
  6. Gary Wood, Trustee,  Email: Phone: 616-681-2120
  7. Pete Zondervan, Trustee, Email: Phone: 616-450-1468

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