For Detroit’s new school board, state still wields the power |

Posted on August 3, 2016

“After more than a yeamister journalism2r of statewide debate over Detroit’s debt-ridden public schools, this fall’s school board elections are being touted as a return to local control for the district. Scores of candidates will fill the ballot for seven seats that will, unlike the previous board, legally have a role in running the city’s troubled schools.

But the hard reality behind this November’s crowded election is that Detroit’s new school board will only have as much authority as a state-controlled oversight commission is willing to give it.”

Read the full report here:
Note: Going back to 1999, every Michigan Governor since John Engler, has sought and received GOP controlled legislative authority to manage and operate the Detroit schools system. The responsibility and blame for the present state of the district rests in Lansing not in Detroit. – JLS

The Disturbing Transformation of Kindergarten | TRUTH ABOUT EDUCATION

Posted on August 2, 2016

“One of the most distressing characteristics of education reformers is that they are hyper-focused on how students perform, but they ignore how students learn. Nowhere is this misplaced emphasis more apparent, and more damaging, than in kindergarten.”

More here:

How Schools in New Orleans Are Trying to Grow Children Like Monsanto Grows Corn – EduShyster

Posted on August 2, 2016

A teacher in New Orleans sees some startling similarities between the education of the city’s children and the way that commodity crops are grown on industrial farms…

By Stefin Pasternak
The way we educate our children in many schools in New Orleans these days shares some startling similarities with how industrial farms raise commodity crops. Industrial farms prefer the complete uniformity of straight, orderly rows of a single crop rather than the organic relationships of different organisms that support one another in a true ecosystem.  Many of our schools prefer to educate children under the veil of a culture of straight, silent lines, seeking to produce identical outcomes rather than cultivating the organic interactions and freedoms that breed healthy children and communities.

Read the full post:

POTUS Candidates Education Views

Posted on July 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton on Education

Secretary of State; previously Democratic Senator (NY)

Gary Johnson on Education

Libertarian presidential nominee; former Republican NM Governor

Bernie Sanders on Education

Socialist Jr Senator; previously Representative (VT-At-Large)

Jill Stein on Education

Green Party presidential nominee; Former Challenger for MA Governor

Donald Trump on Education

2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President

 …until next time, keep reading, sharing, discussing, learning

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