By Jeff Salisbury

Whether it’s Paris or Kmister journalism2enya…terrible things, religious superstitions. Just terrible.

Too many Muslim, Jewish, and Christian sects professing to be the keepers and translators of End-Times Prophecy.
Barf and Puke and Puke and Barf on the lot of them.

Thanks to friend Steve Ward for coining a new phrase… “religious superstition super-storms” —- that what we are experiencing — “religious superstition super-storms” … sigh.

Take your superstitions to a desert or a forest or a jungle or a mountain top… scream till you are hoarse… and leave the rest of us the hell alone… take all your superstitions to your OWN graves and stop taking other innocent people with you.

Too many Muslim, Jewish and Christian sects are making terrible decisions based on what they think their God expects of them. Most likely God doesn’t need their help but to do good works in his or her name — not bad works.

Now, a bit of perspective is probably good. As my friend Cynthia Wells Westphal noted over the weekend in a Facebook discussion thread, “Time and again: Feelings of oppression + weapons and financial backing = some type of war. I don’t expect everyone involved with ISIS actually believes in their religion, some are in it for fame, money, have a mental illness, want revenge for loved one’s they’ve lost, etc.”

We all know ( or should if we were paying attention in our high school world history classes) that the western colonial powers of France and Britain (especially) made enemies (in-waiting) all over the Middle East, that for certain. The U.S. was complicit perhaps most notably with CIA-sponsored coups.

Generation after generation, all three countries have given the religious and the non-religious good reason to lash out at all three countries with or without end-times prophecies to substantiate their actions.

And while I am “moaning” — over the weekend I kept seeing repeated posts referencing the jihadi extremists attack on the university campus in Kenya earlier this year – April it was. I Googled “kenya attack 2015” —- About 69,000,000 results (0.35 seconds) — every major network and US, European and World News Service covered it. Seriously. There was no point. Unless “no point” is the point of course.

I love Facebook and hate it at the same time. Crazy eh? I told Steve in a note that sometimes Facebook in particular or social media in general, is like having a telephone party-line in the 1950s.

Social media has so many positives though. We must take the bad with the good. Social media can expose much of what’s wrong with the world if properly managed but these “end-times” religious groups are manipulating it to the worst ends.

No doubt in my mind this Kenya attack “echo” can very likely be traced to one of those groups. They will plant fear anyway they can be it overtly or covertly.

Still… terrible things, religious superstitions. Terrible.


Free Market Man
November 16, 2015
So, just to get to the point Mr. Salisbury, it's happening over there, so no problem, keep our head in the sand and tell them we mean them no harm, and oh, send us some of your refugees and we'll be happy to accept them? Are you a "chickenhawk", like our President? Did you hear the President's address from Turkey this morning? He was calm and measured, we will keep leading from behind, just like he promised. Did you notice he only gets worked up when reporters ask about his plans to combat these parasites and how he really got worked up about questioning allowing Christians and not Muslims to immigrate - "it's shameful, it's not who we are." WTH, I don't notice any Christians slaughtering innocent people in theatres, cafes, and public gatherings in France and the Catholic or Presbyterian church claiming credit for the killings. Mr. President, you are tasked with protecting the American people, not Syrian citizens. If anyone reading this doesn't see the Democrat Party supporting this president and their candidates supporting this behavior and policy as misguided, ignorant and colossally stupid, you are delusional and need professional help. Quickly, call 911 and ask for help. Where is the dissent coming from the Islamic centers condemning these attacks? No comment. They are just as guilty as those planning and executing the attacks if they are so inhumane as to remain silent. I never wanted us to fight in any Middle East war, but it is now on its way to us.... again.
November 16, 2015
Really good examples of "Chickenhawks," or those who beat the drums of war, but don't fight themselves, are George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, John Engler, Rush Limbaugh, Lee Hazelwood, Donald Trump.
Robert M Traxler
November 16, 2015
Mr. Young, Sir, President George W. Bush was a Captain in the USAF and the Texas National Guard, a fighter pilot. According to you the millions of veterans who did not see battle did not fight, so their service doesn't count? Shame on you, you owe an apology to the millions of vets who never were directly shot at but unlike you served our nation with honor. You sir have not earned the right to criticize anyone's service. Vice President Cheney served as the Secretary of Defense, the word is served. To refer to noble American Veterans as "Chickenhawks" is beneath contempt. Please put your mind in gear before you degrade good Americans service.
November 16, 2015
Neither Bush nor Cheney served one day in combat, and Bush somehow got out of going to Vietnam. I will not apologize for calling them out for being willing to send other boys into combat while being unwilling themselves. As an American citizen, I have a right to criticize them. I really have grown weary of those eager to go to war, as long as they don't have to face that same danger of perhaps losing their lives. Bush was a fly boy and a privileged individual who somehow sidestepped drug testing in 1972 and 1973 and going to Vietnam. I believe Dan Rather lost his job for pointing this out. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney should be tried as international court as war criminals for their despicable war in Iraq. It is Bush and Cheney who degrade ourr service men and women who sacrificed while they did not.
Free Market Man
November 17, 2015
Dan Rather lost his job because he believed a known cheat and liar who gave him proven false information (as in made up out of thin air). Rather's hubris and thinking himself infallible got him fired. Very much like our present poor example of a President - narcissist in chief President Barak Hussein Obama, who never met a Muslim he didn't love. The biggest anti-Semite ever to occupy the office.
Robert M Traxler
November 17, 2015
Blinded by hate? Please answer the question: did millions of American not serve because they were not shot at? According to you no one but a combat veteran should serve in government. No one but a combat veteran can order the defense of our nation, President Franklin Roosevelt, President Wilson, President Clinton... do you truly believe your own words? I think not but your mind is fogged with a nasty case of Bush derangement syndrome. If the left finds out how full of hate you are they will take away your electric car. Blinded by hate? " It is Bush and Cheney who degrade our service men and women who sacrificed while they did not". Please tell me your experience with service, Calling a United States Air Force veteran a derogatory demeaning term like" fly boy" shows your extreme contempt for all things military. You forgot the House and Senate voted for the war; save some of your hate for them. President Obama surged troops into Afghanistan, killed American citizens, a man his wife and child with a drone attack. Lets call your outrage selective, biased and blind.

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