What will a Trump Administration mean for supporters of public education?

We don’t know vermister journalism2y much about President-Elect Donald Trump’s ideas about education. However, during the campaign, Trump briefly presented a plan for a $20 billion block grant program for states to expand market-based school choice, and though he has hinted that he will reduce the role of the U.S. Department of Education and particularly its civil rights enforcement division, there has been no substantive explanation or discussion of these ideas.

One thing we do know for sure, however, is that every branch of our federal government will be dominated by Republicans — the presidency, the senate, the house and the Supreme Court.

He’s a new president whose plans we do not know. The absence of checks and balances. Federal public education policy that has for years been undermining support for the institution of public education. Those of us who believe improving the public schools is important have good reason to be nervous…

Read the full post here… https://janresseger.wordpress.com/2016/11/11/what-will-a-trump-administration-mean-for-supporters-of-public-education/

Opinion: Recent election victories means time to re-double efforts to defeat school privatization

The election of 2016 is over, and we must intensify the fight to save our community public schools. Based on campaign rhetoric, there is no doubt that the Trump/Pence administration will accelerate the movement to privatize our public school system under the guise of “choice.” We will continue to update you and ask you join in that fight.

Even in this dark election, however, there were points of light found in victories for those of us who believe that public schools are, as Diane Ravitch often says, the pillar of our democracy. NPE Action endorsed 12 candidates—five of whom were elected or re-elected.

Read the full editorial here… http://npeaction.org/2016/11/16/public-education-victories-2016-elections-time-re-double-efforts-defeat-school-privatization/

Kids with disabilities benefit from physical education focused on motor skills

The thrill of riding a two-wheeled bicycle, clutching the game-winning ball, or making a show-stopping save in soccer are examples of rites of passage that every child should have the opportunity to experience. Unfortunately, many children with disabilities never develop the physical skills or confidence to participate in extracurricular programming like this. Adapted physical education – physical education modified to teach fundamental motor skills – is hard to find in Southeast Michigan.

And this kind of adapted learning can be a gateway to sports, games, and other physical activity that promotes emotional and physical well-being.

Schools can only do so much. They generally focus on physical and occupational therapy, and educational programs to help children with disabilities function at the highest level possible. Beyond that, very few opportunities exist that target an increased quality of life by providing emotional, physical and social enrichment.

Read more and listen to this report here: http://michiganradio.org/post/kids-disabilities-benefit-physical-education-focused-motor-skills

…until next time, remember: Reading + Sharing + Discussing = Learning!

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