Lois Hoaglin of Homer, grandmother of Melvia Blatter and Gary Hoaglin of Wayland, died of the Coronoviris (COVID-19) Thursday.

Melvia posted on Facebook:

“My happy, always bubbly mom took her final breath today. Twelve days ago she tested positive for COVID19. This horrible virus invaded her body and took a lethal hold on her. Day by day it tightened its grip until this morning when she finally grew too tired to fight any longer.

“The absolute toughest part of all this was knowing she had to fight this fight alone. We couldn’t be with her to encourage her, and hold her hand when she needed us. All we could do was call her a couple of times a day and the nurses were helpful enough that they’d hold the phone by her ear and let us tell her how much we loved her several times a day…

“These poor victims are forced to die alone, but fortunately we have angels here on earth that do their best to be there and hold their hands for us — the nurses. I will be forever grateful to the wonderful nurses that spent their days and nights trying to make my mom more comfortable and less afraid.”

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