Dr. Paul Ingles, Wayland’s newest dentist, has become one of the first business casualties of the feud about parking between the City of Wayland and Aqua In Vino owner Arny Rodriguez.

Ingles took over the 39-year practice of Dr. Bruce Sexton in May 2023 at the Wayland Professional Building on the east end of a parking lot next to the Henika Library. The address is 145 South Main St.

However, his patients have trouble gaining access to his practice because Rodriguez, owner of the parking lot, has closed it off.

Rodriguez opened his wine and cheese shop on South Main Street in 2015, back when the city performed maintenance and snow plowing services for the lot.

But the city more than a year ago announced it no longer would provide the services for the lot because it was privately owned.

So Dr. Ingles is left with a problem for his clients to reach the Professional Services building. They no longer can enter the parking through South Main or East Superior.

The dentist announced in a statement on Facebook, “We are aware of the issues surrounding patient parking and accessing our parking lot. If you have an appointment coming up please refer to the map below 

“You will not be able to access our parking lot through the parking lot north of the Henika Library. Please access through the alley way off of Hanlon Court. Please drive with caution as our neighbors next door often have kiddos utilizing both the alley way behind our office, as well as the parking lot.” 

Rodriguez has maintained that the city should provide plowing and maintenance because so many in the public use it to do business downtown.

Meanwhile, the parking lot across the street on East Superior at the American Legion and the Full Potential chiropractic office now is verboten for public parking as well, after the city backed away from providing the services for that privately-owned lot.

Dr. Sexton, now retired, said on Facebook, “As I see it, the bottom line is the city refuses to acknowledge how important that lot can be for downtown businesses. The latest developments are strangling the three businesses in the professional building.”

Victoria Dame added, “The city certainly has opened a can of worms with their choice of saving money by not plowing certain areas. Not good business for a town that has always been all about its perception to others…”

Bob Genther, a former City Council member, said, “A sad story that all started when the now ex city manager (Josh Eggleston) who had no vision of the big picture, said the city would not snowplow the lot any longer after many years of doing that as part of a tradeoff for using the lot for the public. Then the same administration allows the DDA to spend 400k plus for a parking lot that they had been renting for years? This whole mess could gave been avoided if there had been a public hearing on the matter, because the people would have demanded the city continue the agreement that had worked for years.”

But Sherry Van Nortwick countered, “Since when have we ever had to pay for parking in Wayland?

“The owner of Aqua In Vino is doing a great job of pissing off the locals. I did have a dental appointment and was frustrated because I was gonna be late. I had to call the office for directions on how to access the parking lot.

Douglas Shafer commented, “Sure hope that the professional building never catches on fire, as the firetrucks will never be able to access that area. God forbid that someone has a medical emergency and the the first responders are delayed because they have to go around the block and down an alley to get there.”

Shelly Salisbury Whitley, insurance agent at Reno Agency and former school board member, said, “It is all so ridiculous and embarrassing actually. It seems all the ‘adults’ in the room could come to an agreement that is best for the residents, business owners and our guests coming to check out our community. There is money… I don’t care what pot you grab it from, but, figure out how the City or DDA can afford to plow and upkeep the lot for the betterment of all. Put down the egos and make a resolution.

“I am so sorry for the new dentist that this is how we are showing him a Wayland Welcome. We can do better than this.”


August 16, 2024
Just an inflammatory “article” that has nothing to do with the city. Taxpayer dollars can’t and shouldn’t go towards maintaining a privately owned lot. The dentist should be yelling at Arny and his ridiculous “business” practices that alienate his own clientele. If he can’t afford to maintain the lot he owns, that’s his problem. Not the taxpayers.
Bass Man
August 16, 2024
The question is who owns the property in this matter... Arny. He can do what he wishes with it. The City of Wayland, in their infinite wisdom, plowed the lot so the library and nearby businesses had parking for years. Then CM Eggleston decided the city would no longer plow the lot and Arny decided to not allow access to his property since the city wanted to use the property but not plow it for public parking. It is what it is. Business is curtailed, the public blames the landowner and the city looks like the crux of the problem. Eggelston is gone. Maybe it is time to put this bad decision behind us and act like adults instead of spoiled little kids. I presume there are adults in city government... maybe it is time to revisit this abomination of a decision and do what is right for everyone?
August 16, 2024
Doesn't the DDA have a stake in the parking in town? I would like to have them weigh in. Doesn't the tax revenue from the business in the area go to them and not the city general fund?
August 17, 2024
Yes, the DDA (when Arny was chair), decided to not renew any of the leases on parking lots. Dr. Sexton then sold it to Arny….who was then mad he couldn’t get the city (or his neighboring businesses) to pay him to use it.
Bass Man
August 17, 2024
If memory serves me correctly, didn't the DDA buy the parking lot on West Superior for $400,000? Evidently the city didn't want to buy more parking areas within the city but Arny's lot and the old post office lots were not deemed necessary for city commerce. Another issue is not clearing snow from sidewalks within the city. However, you are required to install sidewalks if you have a business within the city limits and home owners are responsible for sidewalk construction and snow removal. However, the city cleared sidewalks for years but now claims it is the business and homeowners to clear snow from their portion of the sidewalks. Evidently the high property taxes paid to the city doesn't warrent snow removal from sidewalks citizens and businesses are required by the city to construct. Maybe the city should revisit this decision as well as the parking lot debacle?
Jack Fleming
August 17, 2024
There is a sensory place for kids and a WIC office by the dentist office too. Aqua de jerks Ego trip putting up pay to park like this is downtown Chicago.
Chris Gesink
August 19, 2024
I’m sure this parking issue can be worked out with a couple of wine bottles and some novacaine. Enjoy
August 23, 2024
Not true...I would never hinder business growth. I own two businesses in this town. That is fake information.

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