Jim Stoddard

Jim Stoddard last week was selected as new fire chief for the City of Wayland/Yankee Springs Fire Department.

Stoddard, owner-operator of the C. Stoddard & Sons Oil Co., succeeds Joe Miller, who retired as chief this summer after serving in the department for 49 years. Joe’s brother, Dan, will continue as deputy chief.

Stoddard is a graduate of Wayland High School and he attended Ferris State University. He is a veteran of the local department, serving in officers’ capacities.

Wayland City Manager Josh Eggleston announced Tuesday night that he appointed Stoddard last week. Stoddard will receive a salary of $11,000 per year, plus earn pay for fire runs and training. It was the same pay that Miller received at the time of his retirement, and Eggleston acknowledged the retiring chief was underpaid for all he did for the city.

The news comes at the same time the city has posted a job opportunity for a full-time firefighter for the first time in its history, at a pay rate starting at $19.60 an hour. Through its history as a village and city, Wayland firefighters all have been volunteer, but paid a stipend.

In other business at Tuesday night’s meeting, the City Council:

  • Decided not to take action on two bids for sidewalk snowplowing equipment, which would have cost nearly $123,000. Eggleston said it’s difficult for the city to buy something that expensive when it’s not in the budget.

Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Antel commented, “We don’t have that extra $123,000 laying around.” She said the only reason the city took bids was that the device would save Department of Public Works economic and logistic problems.

Streets Supt. Cole Lutz said the city’s current equipment is adequate, but slow.

Councilman Rick Mathis said, “Doing it (making the purchase) now, I don’t think it’s fiscally responsible.”

Eggleston told council members that eventually there may have tø be special assessment arrangements with affected residents because the city right now is

Tim Rose (right) and Mayor Tim Bala

struggling financially to keep up with demands for resurfacing local streets.

  • Agreed to pay Dan’s Tree Service $12,900 for removing seven trees badly damaged in the summer storm that visited last month.
  • Learned from Lutz that the splash pad will be kept open at least until this weekend because of the continued warm weather. It’s usually shut down after Labor Day weekend.
  • Agreed to buy lighted signs for school safety near the corner of West Superior and Pearl Streets, near Pine Street Elementary.
  • Officially recognized former Council Member Tim Rose for his eight years of service.
  • Received comment but took no action on a complaint by Realtor Brian Silvernail, representing Mark Saladino and Wyatt Tubergen and their request for three variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals to enable them to split a lot for two duplex apartments on Commerce Street.

1 Comment

Don't Tread On Me
September 8, 2021
Congratulations Jim!

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