The Wayland City Council Monday evening adopted an ordinance approving a text amendment for property purchased earlier those year by developers Josh Otto and Keith Nickels.

The amendment will permit a mixed use for the odd-shaped site in the industrial park at 1121 133rd Ave. near Reno Drive. The Planning Commission last month recommended the action.

Some local businessmen have been critical of the city’s sale, for just $20,000, insisting the price was far too cheap. City officials have maintained the property has been for sale for nearly 20 years with no takers, except for one deal that fell through.

City Manager Josh Eggleston said he has asked Neither Otto nor Nickels has disclosed precisely what plans they have for the parcel.

Bruce Schwartz, one of the businessmen who has been critical of the deal, reminded officials that the developers still will have to ask the City Council for rezoning before proceeding. Schwartz also asked if the property was being taxed according to the $20,000 sale price.

Otto replied that it is being taxed at half the assessed value of $850,000.

The vote to approve the text amendment was 6-1, with Councilman Tim Rose casting the only dissent.

In other business at Monday’s meeting, the council:

  • Fielded complaints from residents in the Geneva Drive and Marlo Lane neighborhoods, where the latest paving projects took place earlier this year.

The complaints were about standing water in ditches creating ideal conditions for mosquitoes as a resul;t of erosion. One resident insisted ditches are retaining water and creating a public health hazard.

City Engineer Mickey Bittner of Wightman & Associates said payment to the contractor will be withheld until such problems are corrected.

City Manager Josh Eggleston added, “We’re not accepting the project in its current status.”

  • Noted the city’s auditor will make an appearance at the Nov. 18 meeting. Eggleston said, “We hear things keep getting better.”
  • Was told by Water Superintendent Ben Batchelder that flushing of local hydrants will take place the week of Oct. 14-18.
  • Agreed to renew the contract of the assessor, Kyle Harris.

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