The Dorr Township Planning Commission Tuesday evening recommended approval of rezoning request, from agricultural to residential, by Chris Gesink without much fanfare.

Jason Derry, representing zoning administrator Professional Code Inspections, remarked, “This is probably the least controversial rezoning request (to come before the commission) in some time.”

The parcel in question is located at1848 144th Ave.

Derry added, “We’re not looking at any farmland being chewed up. It’s a pretty straightforward proposal.”

There was no public comment about the request, the commission’s vote was 7-0 and it will go before the Dorr Township Board at its September meeting.

The rest of the meeting was taken up by Derry and the commission cleaning up some minor zoning ordinance problems and deciding on changes.

The matters involved commission bylaws suggesting monthly meetings, rules governing conflicts of interest, raising the maximum amount allowed for gifts to commissioners from $10 to $20, the chairman deciding on cancellation of meetings, which can be overridden by at least two members of the commission, the process for granting of rejecting requests for variances, setback requirements for e-commerce properties, non-conforming uses and designation of mixed use zoning replacing Planned Unit Development (PUD) requests.

Derry is expected to provide a few drawings for illustrations at next month’s commission meeting.

Discussion about beginning work on a solar ordinance is being delayed.

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