North Park on 142nd Avenue in Dorr Township will get a reconstruction job later this year after the Dorr Township Board Thursday night awarded the low bid for the project’s cost.
The board voted to go with the bid of $189,499 from Oetman Construction of Leighton Township. The three other bids all were for more than $200,000.
The price tag will be covered by federal American Rescue Plan Act funds of $200,000, which the township agreed to pass along to the Parks Commission.
Parks Commission Chair Amanda Winters said, “Our ARPA funds will definitely cover this project,” adding she was pleased Oetman won the bidding because the company has been a strong contributor to the community.
In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the board:
- Deadlocked 3-3 on a vote to approve a zoning text amendment to accommodate a request to rezone property in front of Black Gold on Commerce Drive. Essentially, the problem is that Donjon has not adequately cleaned up materials on site, causing Trustee Chandler Stanton again to call it “an eyesore.” Stanton, Clerk Debbie Sewers and Pat Champion voted “no.”
- Held a lengthy discussion about Trustee John Tuinstra’s proposal to change policy in appointing officials such as planning commissioners, members of the zoning board of appeals and downtown development authority. Tuinstra asserted that board members don’t know enough about too many people appointed to boards and commissions. He recommended that everyone who wants to serve should either have an interview, fill out a detailed application or resume. Supervisor Jeff Miling replied that it’s hard enough too get people to serve, insisting, “There’s not many people out there who want to sit on any of these boards nowadays.”
- Noted that Dorr Township earlier this month received a check for $17,510 in a revenue sharing arrangement with the Gun Lake Lake Casino.
- Learned that the township received payment of $12,694 for selling its old Ford truck at auction.
- Was told by Fire Chief Gary Fordham that the department right now has just about the same number of calls as last year.
- Learned that it’s likely it will have to pay about $175,000 for road improvements on 24th Street, sharing costs with Salem Township.
- Was told by Library Director Jeff Babbitt that attendance at summer programs again has been outstanding. “We’re on track to set records for participation and some programs are already filling up.”