The Wayland Board if Education Monday evening learned that the parking lot at the recently purchased former West Michigan Health Center will need a complete makeover.
The board earlier this year bought the building across the street from the high school entrance on East Superior Street from West Michigan Health, which has just built a new structure along West Superior next to United Bank.
Maintenance supervisor John Huyck also told the board the roof of the building is 25 years old and likely will need to be replaced.
Board Trustee Pete Zondervan asked if the school district could pay for the anticipated project with funds from Public Act 177 of 1943.
PA 177 provide for creation of a fund in political subdivisions for acquiring, constructing, extending, altering, repairing or equipping public improvements or public buildings; to provide for appropriations, credits and transfers to provide for the disbursement thereof.
No action was taken, but it is hoped the need will not affect the continuing bond projects for building a new pool and making improvements and updates for all buildings in the district.
In another matter, the board gave tentative permission to administrators and staff to explore the possibility of switching to another health insurance carrier, West Michigan Health Insurance because the current provider, Blue Cross Blue Shield, imposed an increase of 13.3 percent.
“It’s an opportunity to to join an organization while trying to get the best in health care costs,” explained Supt. Tim Reeves.
Reeves added that the district’s teachers would not be affected.
The move wasn’t fully approved because two board members, Zondervan and Becky Honke, indicated they first would like to examine the organization’s by-laws.
The board meanwhile agreed to continue the policy of 80% to 20% match for health insurance for teachers. Zondervan abstained to avoid a conflict of interest.