The Wayland City Council Monday night had three first readings of proposed ordinances and one of them may get a little tweaking before approval.
Mayor Pro Tem Joe Kramer assumed a “not so fast” attitude toward an ordinance that would permit accessory dwelling units in residential areas. He said it’s important that the ordinance specify just how big such units could be.
“I think we need to put a limitation on the side (of ADUs),” he said, explaining that perhaps some of them could be allowed though they’re as big as the primary residence. He also asked whether an ADU down the road could become a short-term retail unit or even an Air B & B.
City Manager Josh Eggleston said he could meet with representatives frpm Professional Code Inspections (PCI), the city’s zoning ordinance administrator, to iron out such details.
The other first readings were for proposed ordinances to permit rooftop solar panels on residences and rezoning a parcel at 795 Reno Drive from PERC to I-2 industrial.
After a second reading, the DDA tax increment financing plan was approved.
In other business at Monday night’s meeting, the council:
- Witnessed the awarding of life saving award from Police Chief Scott Matice to Wayland Union Schools’ resource officer Jon Schaefer, who was credited with using CPR to save the life of a junior varsity basketball game referee at Cedar Springs earlier this month.
- Approved the reappointment of Kramer to mayor pro ten, to take over running meetings in Mayor Jennifer Antel’s absence.
- Approved the reappointments of Chairman JD Gonzales, Megan Mikkelson and Ben Adams to three-year terms on the Planning Commission.
- Was told by City Clerk Leanne Clausen that only 11 people had voted in the first three days of early voting for the Michigan presidential primary. The date of the actual election will be Tuesday, Feb. 27.
- Was reminded by citizen Daniel Jeffrey, 517 N. Main St., that some local residents would like to see the resumption of city snow removal services on sidewalks. He appealed to council members’ sense of safety for school students walking and senior citizens.